Painting by Numbers: Visualisation of structured IPv6-Addressing
Dataport 2 Painting by numbers Dataport provides information and communication technology services for the public administration in the German federal states of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Bremen, Saxony-Anhalt and for the tax administration in the federal states of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and Lower Saxony
Dataport 333 Painting by Numbers IPv6 Address-Planning End of 2009: Germany received a ::/26 block of IPv6- Addresses for de.government 2010: IPv6-Working-group at the Ministry of the Interior in order to encourage the national states to use IPv6 Each national state (such as Bavaria) gets a ::/32 Requirement: structured Address-Template
Dataport 444 Painting by Numbers IPv6 Addressing for Schleswig-Holstein Creation of an IPv6-Address-Blueprint Should be template for the other states Explanation necessary
Dataport 555 Painting by Numbers Structuring of 2001:0DB8::/32 Break down into ::/36 nets: One-dimensional Tree 2001:0DB8:0000::/ :0DB8:4000::/ :0DB8:8000::/ :0DB8:C000::/ :0DB8:4000::/ :0DB8:5000::/ :0DB8:6000::/ :0DB8:7000::/ :0DB8:8000::/ :0DB8:9000::/ :0DB8:A000::/ :0DB8:B000::/ :0DB8:C000::/ :0DB8:E000::/35
Dataport Binary presentation of the relevant bits two-dimensional arrangement of the first two bits Painting by Numbers
Dataport 777 Painting by Numbers Iteration
Dataport 888 Painting by Numbers Iteration two-dimensional arrangement of the first 4 bits
Dataport 999 Painting by Numbers Hexadecimal presentation of the relevant bits two-dimensional arrangement of the first 4 bits Binary: Hexadecimal: C D A B E F
Dataport 10 Painting by Numbers Iteration to 8 bits C 8D 8A 8B 8E 8F C D A B E F
Dataport 11 Painting by Numbers Matrix visualising aggregatable IPv6-Ranges (8 Bit) C0D18191C1D48494C4D58595C5D 0A0B0E0F1A1B1E1F4A4B4E4F5A5B5E5F C2D38393C3D68696C6D78797C7D 2A2B2E2F3A3B3E3F6A6B6E6F7A7B7E7F C0C1C4C5D0D1D4D C2C3C6C7D2D3D6D C8D98999C9DC8C9CCCDD8D9DCDD 8A8B8E8F9A9B9E9FCACBCECFDADBDEDF A0A1A4A5B0B1B4B5E0E1E4E5F0F1F4F5 A2A3A6A7B2B3B6B7E2E3E6E7F2F3F6F7 A8A9ACADB8B9BCBDE8E9ECEDF8F9FCFD AAABAEAFBABBBEBFEAEBEEEFFAFBFEFF
Dataport 12 Painting by Numbers Matrix visualising aggregatable IPv6-Ranges (8 Bit) Coloured squares as examples for different network sizes 2001:0DB8:1600::/40 violet 2001:0DB8:0600::/39 orange 2001:0DB8:2000::/38 dark-green 2001:0DB8:3800::/37 light-green 2001:0DB8:8000::/36 red 2001:0DB8:4000::/35 yellow 2001:0DB8:C000::/34 blue 2001:0DB8:8000::/33 lower half 2001:0DB8:0000::/32 whole adress-space
Dataport 13 Painting by Numbers Matrix visualising aggregatable IPv6-Ranges (8 Bit) C0D18191C1D48494C4D58595C5D 0A0B0E0F1A1B1E1F4A4B4E4F5A5B5E5F C2D38393C3D68696C6D78797C7D 2A2B2E2F3A3B3E3F6A6B6E6F7A7B7E7F C0C1C4C5D0D1D4D C2C3C6C7D2D3D6D C8D98999C9DC8C9CCCDD8D9DCDD 8A8B8E8F9A9B9E9FCACBCECFDADBDEDF A0A1A4A5B0B1B4B5E0E1E4E5F0F1F4F5 A2A3A6A7B2B3B6B7E2E3E6E7F2F3F6F7 A8A9ACADB8B9BCBDE8E9ECEDF8F9FCFD AAABAEAFBABBBEBFEAEBEEEFFAFBFEFF
Dataport 14 Painting by Numbers Matrix visualising aggregatable IPv4-Ranges (8 Bit)
Dataport 15 Painting by Numbers Matrix visualising aggregatable IPv4-Ranges (8 Bit) Coloured squares as examples for different network sizes /24 or /16violet /23 or /15 orange /22 or /14 dark-green /21 or /13light-green /20 or /12red /19 or /11 yellow /18 or /10 blue /17 or /9 lower half /16 or /8 whole adress-space
Dataport 16 Painting by Numbers „Three-Dimensional Tree“
Dataport Painting by Numbers 17 National Government National States Rural Districts Municipalities Municipalitie Districts Major Cities Cities Bundesregierung Landesregierung Kreisfreie Städte Kreisver- waltungen Verwaltungs- gemeinschaften / Samtgemeinden Gemeinden Städte und Gemeinden
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