Industry a potential source of pollution Most remediation is simple structuring Training is critical Chemical treatment should be last resort
What are we testing for ? Called Parameters: BOD TSS TDS pH Fecal Turbidity Need to be equal or better than the limits set by State and Federal Guidelines Impaired Waterways often mean stricter limitations Stormwater Pollution Plans help to ensure practices that will not harm waters
Vocabulary of parameters BOD- biological oxygen demand -oxygen demand of aerobic bacteria to digest organic waste 7 days to complete test Raw sewage ( mg/l) Impaired stream (2-8 mg/l) High BOD – means lots of organic waste in water and ultimately robs other aquatic life forms Low BOD – healthier less organic waste for digestion
Fecal Coliform – bacteria found in solid digestion waste Sources- human, animal, avian and pulp/plant waste Presence or Absence based on 100 ml samples/ 24hr Presence - failure of stormwater permits in many areas. Can cause typhoid fever, Hepatitis A, dysentery and other gastroenterological fun Absence - Healthy water Vocabulary of parameters
Vocabulary of Parameters TSS- Total Suspended Solids Solids in the water that do not settle, partly TDS. Several hours test Measured in mg/l and levels of acceptable varies waterway to waterway High – waterways are not being kept to optimal, allowing sediments to be swept by water to waterway, creating silts and other flow inhibition. Low - stormwater ways are maintained less likely to transport sediment
Vocabulary of Parameter Turbidity- the cloudiness or haziness of a liquid Usually caused by phytoplankton or sediments Higher is not better, often slowing water flow helps reduce turbidity
Vocabulary of Parameter Total Dissolved Solids– the amount of inorganic and organic materials in water More is worse on wildlife
Vocabulary of Parameters pH – a measurement of Hydrogen from 1-14 most water should be 6-8 Water hardness can be affected by pH High pH (basic) – toxic to the aquatic life above 8 Low pH (acidic)- Toxic to aquatic life below 6, supports more pathogens than high pH
Geography of recharge
Water run off – 3 inches of precipitation
Stormwater Plans Contain plans for : Testing Monitoring Actions to protect Best Management Practices Descriptions of site Potential sources Training of personnel onsite is required Stormwater permit included or non-source certification Update, Update, Update!
Testing & Monitoring Which Parameters – state dependent! Depends location and water resources near facility Time table- can be tricky, put them on a calendar; well ahead of schedule Reporting requirements- keep for inspections or submit to state Laboratory requirements- only use certified labs Inspections- cover all areas of facility, the roofing down.
Containment walls Vegetative Swales Outfall valves Spill Kits Outfall diversions Stormwater ponds Trench drain to process Sediment fencing Training with real spill Learning to dyke and dam to protect drop inlets Spill equipment inventory and tour of locations Actions & Best Management Practices
Sedimentation stoppers
Erosion control with hay bales l_DcoE
Training- get back to nature, play a little
Show the bad too
Questions ?