1 Goal Setting Learning Lite
2 Why would you think about setting a goal? Goal setting gives us something to work toward By setting goals in safety we see tidier sites, more close call and near miss reports and better feedback systems It’s not about rewards It’s about setting our sights on something and then doing it!
3 What is a goal? Goals can be broken down into two categories; –those that you set to move towards something and –those that you set to move away from something Focusing on the thing you want tends to be a more successful goal setting approach because it is towards rather than away from something Often it is just in the envisioning of the goal and then the phrasing that starts things off
4 Example of goals TOWARDS I want every close call and near miss to be reported AWAY I don’t want close calls and near misses to go unreported
5 Is setting a goal all there is to it? If you set a goal of increasing close call reports in your depot, you then need to work out how to do it A starting point might be to explain to your team why we need to report every close call and what happens as a result Clearly explaining what can be expected as a result of making a close call helps people get on board Then you might make sure everyone has access to the system and understand what they are and how to do it Finally raising them at monthly team meetings to give them visibility helps keep the momentum going
6 An approach to Goal setting; GOAL I want every close call and near miss to be reported because… REALITY At the moment we don’t see many being reported and accidents are still happening OPTIONS I could ask why they aren’t being reported, re- brief people on how and why it needs to be done, put in a feedback mechanism and raise them in team meetings WHAT WHERE WHEN This is the action planning part – I will review REALITY this month, and complete each of the OPTIONS over the next quarter Using the GROW3 model
7 Goal setting gives us something to work toward By setting goals in safety we see tidier sites, more close call and near miss reports and better feedback systems Focusing on the thing you want tends to be a more successful goal setting approach because it is towards rather than away from something The GROW3 model is a method to help goal setting It’s about setting our sights on something and then doing it! What did we learn?