Undergraduate Education and New Members of the Department of Medicine Dr. Danny Panisko Director, Undergraduate Medical Education, Department of Medicine
Outline The undergraduate curriculum Courses with medicine input What role might you play? Who will ask you and how should you respond? Importance of undergraduate teaching Emotional context Faculty development
Structure & Function Metab & Nutr Art & Science of Clinical Medicine Determinants of community health Brain & Behav Pathobiology of Disease Foundations of Medical Pract PRE-CLERKSHIP Year 1 Year 2 CLERKSHIP Year 3 Year 4 Med DOCHDOCH Yr 3 Psy Sur Ob- Gyn Fam Ped Elec ACE ElecElec Emer
The “Academies” Intent Divide the large medical school class into smaller groupings What do they do? Deliver ASCM, PBL Where are they? (in alphabetical order!) Fitzgerald = St. Michael’s Hospital Peters-Boyd = Sunnybrook / Women’s College Wightman-Berris = UHN - Mount Sinai
Major courses with medicine input Preclerkship - ASCM Art and science of clinical medicine Bedside clinics Year 1 - emphasis on communication Year 2 - traditional bedside teaching, clinical methods
Major courses with medicine input Preclerkship - Year 1 Metabolism and nutrition GI, renal and endo (physiology, biochem, histo, clinical) PBL, lectures and seminars Brain and behaviour Clinical neurology (and other neurosciences) PBL, lectures and seminars
Major courses with medicine input Preclerkship - Year 2 Pathobiology of disease Microbiology, Oncology, Genetics, Immunology Mainly lectures Foundations of medical practice Introduction to clinical medicine 6/21 weeks medicine (CV, resp, renal, rheum, GI, hemat) PBL, lectures and seminars
Preclerkship: What role might you play? “Significant time commitment” PBL hours contact time ASCM – hours “Smaller time commitment” Seminars ASCM OSCE examiner Lecture
Medicine clerkship Year 3 6 weeks as junior house officer on GIM CTU 4 seminars per week Preceptor observed Hx and Px once (or twice) Clinical skills exam Year 4 3 weeks on GIM CTU 3 weeks in ambulatory medicine clinics each week, repeat x 3 weeks OSCE exam at end
Medicine clerkship What role might you play? Attending on GIM ******Supervising clinics in year 4 ***Preceptor and clinical skills examiner in year 3 Seminars in year 3
Who will ask you for help? Preclerkship Course director Academy director PIC / division head Clerkship Local clerkship coordinator PIC / division head
What should you do when asked? “Let me think about it.” Find out what is involved and whether this is appropriate for you Discuss with your Division Director and/or an appropriate mentor, to determine if this fits with your overall teaching goals Don’t overextend.... but !!!! Do say yes as much as possible – we need you !!!!
Importance of undergraduate teaching Medical schools are still about educating future doctors (of all sorts)! Must do “some” teaching to get promoted –Sustained excellence in teaching –Scholarship (Research or CPA) + Teaching effectiveness –(quantity, quality, educational administration, related to divisional/hospital norms)
Emotional context of the curriculum E is for expansion Possible growth in size of medical school Mississauga Academy “The Distributed Medical School” T is for tuition Approx. $18,000 and counting Major focus of student discontent
Faculty development Major initiatives Master teacher program Centre for Faculty Development at SMH Faculty Development Committee at Faculty of Medicine Course-based activities
“There is no greater reward as a teacher than the look on a student’s face when he or she says, with unmistakable joy: ‘so that’s what the JVP is!’” Conclusion