The Brain – Body Connection Dr. Robert Feier Palmer Graduate Dupont Circle Chiropractic
The Chiropractic Premise: When optimal health is achieved and maintained, the body is best able to resist the disease process.
Where does your Health Come from? *Chiropractic term: Dis-ease
The Central Nervous System The Central Nervous System (CNS) is made up of your brain and spinal cord. Your Brain sends energy down the spinal cord, over the nerves, to all the cells and parts of your body. This Brain-Body connection is the basis for your health and wellness!
Nervous System Protection Your spine consists of 24 movable vertebrae. From the front or back view, your spine should be straight.
The Curves From the side your spine should have three curves, each approximating 60 degrees. 60 0
Chiropractic Lifestyle of Health and Wellness Subluxations Small misalignments called Subluxations can occur in any part of your spine, blocking the nerve channels; producing pain, sickness and disease. Chiropractic Lifestyle of Health and Wellness This “above down, inside-out” chiropractic philosophy and model believes your body is self healing, self regulating, self repairing and requires no outside help, just no interference. We acknowledge that the power that built the body from above down, inside out can heal the body from above down, inside out. We believe that YOU have control over your health, by keeping your nerve system free from pressure and stress thru regular chiropractic checks and adjustments. The Chiropractic Definition of Health is Normal, or Optimal Function. The chiropractic model is an above down- inside out philosophy. The chiropractic philosophy believes that your body is self healing, self regulating, self repairing and requires no outside help.... just NO interference. We acknowledge that the power that built the body can heal the body. We believe that YOU have control over your health, by keeping your nerve system free from pressure, stress and subluxations through lifetime chiropractic checks and adjustments. The Chiropractic goal is to get the body to an optimal level of health, then maintain it.
Subluxation Correction Restores Nerve Flow Correcting or reducing these subluxations opens the nerve channels and allows your vital life force to flow at 100%. This restores the flow or transmission of the vital nerve force from the brain to the body. By removing the blocks or interference, the body can heal, rebuild and regenerate. Chiropractors correct, reduce, or manage these subluxations.
Brain – Body Nerve Energy Flow Normal Nerve Transmission Normal function Brain (Innate Intelligence) Body Health
Subluxation PRODUCTION Normal Nerve Transmission Abnormal nerve transmission Abnormal function or malfunction Brain SUBLUXATION Body Symptoms Sickness and Disease
Subluxation REDUCTION Brain Subluxation REDUCTION Normal nerve transmission Normal function Body Healing, Health and Wellness