Guten Morgen!
Objective Students will be able to identify how to say hello and good bye in German, and also be able to state the Alphabet in German.
Greetings Hallo! =Hello Grüß Gott! =Hello, greetings to god! – s. Germany Grüß dich! =Hello, greetings to you! – s. Germany Guten Morgen! = Good morning! Guten Tag! = Good day/afternoon! Guten Abend! = Good evening! Gute Nacht! = Good night!
Farewells Auf Wiedersehen! =Good bye! - formal Tschüs! =See ya! - informal
Alphabet LetterHow it sounds A ahhh B bay C tsay D day E A FF G gay
Alphabet LetterHow it sounds H haa I E J yut K kah L M N L M N
LetterHow it sounds O O P pay Q kuh R air S T tay U oooh S
Alphabet LetterHow it sounds V fou Wvay Xix Yipseeloan Ztzet
Alphabet ä ö Ü ß s-tzet = ss