New Brunswick 2008 Convention TheDevelopment of a Covenant
BornDied 30 years old Shem2570 BC1970 BC alive, aged 480 years Arphaxad2470 BC2032 BC alive, aged 380 years Saleh2435 BC2002 BC alive, aged 345 years Eber2405 BC1941 BC alive, aged 315 years Peleg2371 BC2132 BC dead Reu2342 BC2103 BC dead Serug2309 BC2079 BC alive, aged 219 years Nahor2279 BC2131 BC dead Terah2250 BC2045 BC alive, aged 160 years Abraham2120 BC1945 BC The Path of Faith
R5206 “The Scriptures state that Abraham believed God, and his faith was counted to him for righteousness. (Gen. 15:6) God must have had some dealings with Abraham before he believed or there would have been nothing for Abraham to believe. Evidently God had had some communication with him before faith and trust could have brought him into even a tacitly justified condition.”
Eight Iterations of the Abrahamic Covenant Iteration #1 - Gen. 12:1 ‑ 3 Iteration #2 - Gen. 12:7 Iteration #3 - Gen. 13:14 ‑ 17 Iteration #4 - Genesis 15:1-11 Iteration #5 – Gen. 15:12-21 Iteration #6 - Genesis 17:1 ‑ 21 Iteration #7 - Genesis 18:18 Iteration #8 - Genesis 22:16 ‑ 18
“seed like the dust of the earth” Gen. 13:14-17 (3 rd Iteration) “seed like the stars of heaven” Gen. 15:1-15 (4 th Iteration) “seed like the stars of the heaven and sands of the seashore” Gen. 22:16-18 (8 th Iteration) The Seed of Abraham
“seed like the dust of the earth” Gen. 13:14-17 (3 rd Iteration) The Jewish Age “seed like the stars of heaven” Gen. 15:1-15 (4 th Iteration) The Gospel Age “seed like the stars of the heaven and sands of the seashore” Gen. 22:16-18 (8 th Iteration) The Millennial Age The Seed of Abraham
Abram means “high father” Sarai means “dominative” (Hebrew is “ mאבר ” )(Hebrew is “ שרי ” ) a - aleph ש - sin b - beth ר - resh r - resh י - yod m - mem Abraham means “father of multitudes” Sarah means “mistress” (female noble, lady) (Hebrew spelling is “ mhrba ”)(Hebrew spelling is “ hrש ”) א - aleph ש - sin ב - beth ר - resh ר - resh ה - he ה - he m - mem The Divine Name: Jehovah (Yaweh) (Hebrew spelling is “ יהוה ” ) ה - he ו – vav ה - he י - yod
י - yod The first letter of Jacob (יעקב) and Issac (יצחק) ש - sinThe first letter of Sarah (hrש) ר - reshThe first letter of Rebekah (רבקה) and Rachel (רחל) a - alephThe first letter of Abraham (mhrba) l - lamedThe first letter of Leah (לאה)
י - yod The first letter of Jacob (יעקב) and Issac (יצחק) ש - sinThe first letter of Sarah (hrש) ר - reshThe first letter of Rebekah (רבקה) and Rachel (רחל) a - alephThe first letter of Abraham (mhrba) l - lamedThe first letter of Leah (לאה) larשy ISRAEL!
י - yod The first letter of Jacob ( יעקב ) and Issac ( יצחק ) ש - sinThe first letter of Sarah ( hrש ) ר - reshThe first letter of Rebekah ( רבקה ) and Rachel ( רחל ) a - alephThe first letter of Abraham ( mhrba ) l - lamedThe first letter of Leah ( לאה ) This spelling of Israel is highly significant! It contains the first letters of all of the patriarchs and matriarchs of the Nation of Israel!! Israel means “he will rule as God” (Hebrew spelling is “ larשy ”) י - yod ש - sin r - resh a - aleph l - lamed