Title I Parent Information
What is Title I? Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools.
Title I Goals All students should work toward the same high standards. Local districts, schools, and parents know best what their students need to succeed. Parents are partners in helping all students achieve.
“Title I” is short for “Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965, reauthorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of The only schools that receive Title I funds are those having 40% or more of their children identified as low income (students who receive free or reduced meals).
Currently, 51% of Park Hall students are considered to be low income because they receive free or reduced price meals. Because Park Hall Elementary School operates a schoolwide Title I program, the Title I funds provided to Park Hall are used to support and improve the instructional program for all Park Hall students, not just those who receive free or reduced price meals.
How can Title I money be used? To provide after school or summer school programs To provide additional instructional staff To train teachers or other staff To buy equipment and learning materials To support parent involvement activities
How can Title I help me as a parent? Provide family literacy and mathematics activities Support parent meetings and training activities Provide materials that parents can use to work with their children at home
How can I find out what the Park Hall Elementary School Title I program offers parents/families? All Title I schools must have a Parent Involvement Plan which explains how the school supports the important role of parents in education. All Title I schools must have a Home-School Compact which is a written statement of what schools and parents are planning to do to help students achieve.
How Title I funds benefit Park Hall Elementary School: Additional paraeducators provide small group targeted reading and math interventions. Two additional instructional resource teachers provide training for teachers and tutoring support for students. An additional classroom teacher was added to keep class sizes low.
Materials are purchased for parent involvement programs. Classroom materials, equipment, and technology are purchased to support the instructional program. The parent liaison contacts parents and provides parent training opportunities.
Park Hall Parents/Families Your Support is Valued and Needed!! Please stay involved in your child’s education.