Make project 2014 How to Long board David P., Sam A., and Brennan B.
Outline of project Our project was to make a how to long board video.
Expected learning Brennan and I were going to learn how to edit a video and Sam was going to learn how to long board.
Actual learning We learned how to make an educational video and Sam learned the basics of longboarding.
challenges Some of the challenges of this project was all the absences we had to deal with. We also had to deal with rain so we couldn’t video tape on those days. Lastly, we had some technology issues.
Method of dealing with the challenges When someone was absent we did our best to video tape, or do the documentation. If it rained during that day we edited the videos. When we had technology issues we tried to problem solve and fix what went wrong.
Was the project succesful? The project was pretty succesful, since Sam learned how to long board and Brennan and I somewhat learned how to edit videos pretty well.
Participation We all worked a lot on the project most of the time, but sometimes we got off track and started goofing off.
Self effort
Self evaluation
Could time be used more effectively? Yes, we got distracted easily and did not use our time the best way.
The End