LONGBOARD MAKE PROJECT Caroline Manning& Cameron Baller
OBJECTIVE Our Objective is to make a longboard comparable with a expensive, good Sector 9 longboard. When it comes to the fallowing- Turning radius, speed and durability for under $70. Ours is under $50
LONGBOARD STEPS 1) Buy materials – grip tape, trucks/ wheels 2) Make the design 3) cut the board 4) put on the grip tape 5) put on trucks/wheels 6) test
LONGBOARD COMPARISONS Sector 9 longboardHomemade Longboard Very durable, carbon fiber is a very good material. Goes really fast and you can balance on it. Turning radius is very good Plywood was not durable it bended too easily, about to snap when ever stepped on center Speed was okay but when it went to fast you could not balance on it. Turning radius whenever tried it would just tilt then continue going straight. If you did want to turn you would have to push down on the back in order to push up and turn.
CONCLUSION For this project, this longboard was definitely not comparable with a Sector 9 longboard because it was not able to turn the speed was off and even when you could get the speed up there was no balance. Also the durability was off the plywood was definitely not a math for the carbon fiber. Even though the price difference was anywhere from $20 to $250.