Make 2014 By: Alex B and Jack C
Our Project For this year’s make project, Alex, Nathan, Josh and I decided to do a Basketball Trick shot video. However, that idea later morphed into a goofy “Tips and Tricks On How to Ball” video. Josh and Nathan left, but Alex and I continued the project, and now here we are, all done.
Learning We expected to learn how to edit and share a video from a Macintosh computer. We also expected to teach people how to do cool basketball trick shots We really did learn how to edit and upload videos to the extent to now I believe that we are experts. We also did a goofy how not to do basketball, instead of a trick shot video.
Challenges Documenting every day. It was a challenge to find the time Time management was hard, we needed to know what day we were going to shoot, and what days we really got to shoot Group Split was hard, because we needed to fill the roles of the people who left Technology was a bit slow, and didn’t work with us sometimes (Wouldn’t upload right video)
Overcoming challenges We started planning for extra time to finish documentation We made a schedule to deal with time management, and always had a plan B. We also started planning ahead We overcame the group split by figuring out who needs to fill who’s shoes. (I started editing more, Alex started shooting more) We watched tutorials online about how to better use the technology Our main problem was time management. We started to overcome that by meeting a lot during school and planning out what we would do
Jack and Alex self reflections We believe we started strong, but in the middle we began to slump. We didn’t have a plan a lot of the time, and we were winging it and wasting time. But at the end, we really buckled down and make a schedule that worked for both of us, and used our time super wisely. Our main problem was time management. A lot of the time, we found ourselves not using time efficiently, and having to cram at the end. However, we overcame those challenges (Last slide) and we finished very strong. We both agree we give ourselves and 8/ 10.
Self Contribution and Effort Jack: I believed we both equally contributed to the project. I usually edited more than Alex and I was in more shots. We both gave our all, and the video we made was nice. I tried 100% on this project. I poured my soul into the video. I am glad I gave so much effort, and I am happy the way the project turned out. Alex: I think this project turned out great. I contributed a lot in this project; shooting, starring and all that fun stuff. I gave a ton of effort, and in the end, I think it paid off with a funny video.
What we could have done differently We could have managed time better. Our time management was poor at the beginning, but we really buckled down and make a schedule, with multiple back-up plans For anyone who would like to do this video, make a lot of time for yourself to shoot, edit and upload, use time efficiently and just have fun. It’s a fun project.
Project Grade I believe we succeeded on our project. No, it wasn’t learning how to screw up at basketball, it was shooting and editing a nice video. We had some bumps and bruises, but in the end, we had fun, and completed the project. I do in fact believe that this project was a success.