Collect Once, Use Many: Key Insight and Benefits Susan Blum, PhD, Director Research Services University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
University of Saskatchewan
: Established as an agricultural college in a province only 2 years old A Place of Growth Now : member of the prestigious U15 group: Canada’s top research- intensive universities
U of S Overview 21,000+ Students 17 Colleges and Schools 58 Degree and Certificate programs 100 research / support centres
Research Revenue $179 million in average annual research revenue (past 5 years) € million € million £ million £ million 13th in Canada ( )
Leading Research Facilities VIDO-Intervac (Biosafety Level 3 laboratory) Canadian Light Source Canada’s national synchrotron Largest academic toxicology research / training centre in Canada
Uniquely Diverse 2,300+ International Students Growing by 8% annually (3 year average) 2000 Aboriginal Students Aboriginal Engagement a top priority
Complex Exchange of data with many stakeholders Research teams, researchers Administration units Colleges, Centres, Institutes, Departments Research Management
Exchange of data with many stakeholders Government agencies Research sponsors Research Management
Variable Timely Accurate Compliant Needs of Stakeholders
Research management enterprise system Transformative and evolutionary in the way support is provided to both faculty and administration Full research life cycle Complement the needs for faculty and university in: research administration management reporting compliance
Creation and electronic routing of project and ethics applications (paperless) Creation of funds Tracking capabilities for projects Access to project documentation Robust search, analytics and reporting capabilities
Researcher Funding Opportunities Reporting Facilitation Collaborators Graduate Students Post-award Management Metrics Ideas CV Ethics Internal Review Commercialization Applications Approvals Publications
“One Stop Shop” Reduced administrative burden System provides them a direct benefit Vision for Researcher
Cater the system to the Research Process which best supports “researchers” Vision for Researcher
A central communication tool to manage the complete pre-and post-award process Tracks tasks and deadlines, including auto reminders Offers dedicated reports throughout the process One Stop Shop Project Idea Project Application Project
Provides opportunities to record and track research projects Purpose is to build project teams, identify funding sources, develop necessary documents Assign tasks to assist in the development Research Facilitators Funding One Stop Shop
Only request information when it is required from the “researcher” Auto-fill forms/ templates Reduced Administration
Online collaboration Assignment of tasks Workflow process is simple and streamlined They only see what they “need to” on the system Only input information when it is required Benefit for Researchers
Obtaining peer reviews and internal approvals electronically Workflow process is transparent and standardized Benefit for Researchers
System to search and provide information to update: CVs Publications Websites Alert of funding opportunities Have the System Work for the Researcher
Standardized data exchange Improved service delivery and client satisfaction through: Integration of business functions and systems Inherent standards and controls Vision for Administration
Accessible by all stakeholders with varying levels of access to cater to information needs Minimize labour intensive process to collect data Uniform processes Reduce effort, workload and delays Targeted investment Collective sharing and integration Administration
Standardization Have Application Programming Interface (APIs) Push and Pull data Bidirectional Sponsors and Universities
Funding opportunities Application forms Results/awards Metrics Eligibility of people Eligibility of budgets Common Areas of Interest
Don’t name your system One Lesson
Then they expect you to deliver: Thank you!