13 – Abolished Slavery 14 – Civil Rights 15 – Right to Vote
1 – Freedom of Speech, Press, Petition, Assembly, Religion 16 – Income Tax 17 – Direct Election of Senators 18 – Prohibition 19 – Women’s Sufferage 20 – Lame Duck Amendment 21- Repeal of Prohibition
Separate but equal is ok
Linking the east to the west
Brought settlers to the West Created towns Shipped goods faster and more efficiently
Trying to be more American – take on characteristics of American Culture
3. Who does this cartoon represent and what Era is it from? A.John Rockefeller, Industrial Age B.Andrew Carnegie, Gilded Age C. William “Boss” Tweed, Gilded Age Political Cartoon Title: “Brains of Tammany” Artist: Thomas Nast Published: Oct. 21, 1871 Harper's Weekly
3. Who does this cartoon represent and what Era is it from? Answer A.John Rockefeller, Industrial Age B.Andrew Carnegie, Gilded Age C. William “Boss” Tweed, Gilded Age Political Cartoon Title: “Brains of Tammany” Artist: Thomas Nast Published: Oct. 21, 1871 Harper's Weekly
Steel – Bessemer Process Electricity Telegraph
Survival of the fittest Rich should get richer and the poor poorer
Nativism- American born Dawes Act – Attempt to help Native Americans become more white
War to help Cuba gain independence from Spain Cause – sinking of the Maine Results – Beginning of US Imperialism
Group who began the push for Prohibition of Alcohol
President Taft’s policy of loaning money to Latin American to create stablity
Roosevelt’s plan to create faster shipping from the Atlantic to the Pacific without going around South America
Opening China to allow trade from all nations
The right to vote 19 th Amendment
The asasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Sinking of the Lusitania Zimmerman Telegraph Natural Allies with Britain and France Russian Revolution
Treaty to end WWI Harsh treatment of Germany
Organization in which nations can settle disputes without going to war Proposed by Woodrow Wilson as part of his 14 points
Addition to the Monroe Doctrine Use military in Latin America to create stability and protect democracy
Telegraph sent to Mexico by German promising land in Mexico would attack the United States
What symbols do you see? What is the meaning of the words? What does the caption mean? Question 1 = A Question 2 = F Question 3 = D
Who are the people included in the cartoon? What symbols do you see? What is the meaning of the words in the cartoon? What is the overall message of the cartoon?
What does the x axis deal with? What does the y axis deal with? What change do you see in the graph? Why do you think this change occurred?
Question 1 = A Question 2 = H Question 3 = A
Science teacher who taught evolution in Tennessee Scopes Monkey Trial
1 st successful Trans-Atlantic flight
Corrupt Politician under Harding Wrote the Jungle exposing the meat packing industry
Plagued by Scandal
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
Fear of Communism after the Boleshivek Revolution (Russian Revolution)
Leasing of land to private companies in exchange for a bribe
Roosevelt’s fleet of ships that were sent around the world to demonstrate US military power
Combination of Ragtime and Blues Popular music of the 1920’s
Radio Vacuum cleaner Washing machine Refrigerator
Literary and artistic movement celebrating African American Culture
America’s belief that we should control all land from east to west
Against Slavery