Collaborative partnership between Turning Point & Vermont Psychiatric Survivors (VPS)
Our desire is to work with the stakeholders in the community to best advocate for patients struggling with addiction, mental illness and alcohol Collaboration is essential in creating an effective support network and voice to our vulnerable and high risk populations within the community.
State wide peer –run organization Provide recovery, support, education and advocacy 12 step groups, making recovery easier, recovery coaching, medicated assisted support Coffee & tea, computers, crafts, pot lucks, peer support, substance free activities space Help people find, maintain, and enhance their recovery experience through peer support, sober recreation, and educational opportunities Located on State St. near Rutland Free Clinic
Peer to peer support Patient Representatives – advocacy Community links – out reach services Connections to all Rutland partnering agencies Educational opportunities Mentoring and bridging services for those exiting treatment, incarceration and hospitalization
The goal of this program is to create one door with one number to call for information The resource line connects patient’s with peer support, education, information and resources in the community Service is confidential and free to the participant Staffed Monday-Friday 9-5pm Messages will be picked up after hours
A resource phone line Warm hand off –call our number with the patient in your office An outreach worker to advocate and work with clients Peer support & advocacy The creation of a self-designed wellness plan
Anyone experiencing emotional distress People experiencing substance abuse or mental health issues Clients in recovery and re-adjustment into the community following a hospitalization or incarceration People with co-occurring issues
Information we need faxed to us to make an outreach call: First Name Preferred contact: or phone An authorization signed by the referred person FAX to Call us direct at ext 205 Sandi or Karen Preferred referral: make the call while patient is in office
Strengths-based support for persons with addictions Listens, supports, utilizes personal experience Do not focus on past, trauma or feelings Focus is action oriented to improve present life and achieve personal goals Non clinical coaching: we do not diagnose or treat Emphasis is support of positive change & connection to community resources, supports and education
Series of six group discussion classes Explain 12 how step meetings work, addresses myths about recovery Supportive setting for sharing and discussing experiences For those new to recovery or with experience but struggling Start at any time and complete sessions in any order
Helps people self manage difficulties WRAP® is based on the premise that recovery from mental illness is possible and uses self-reflective processes to : Develop personal awareness Decrease and prevent intrusive or troubling feelings and behaviors Increase personal empowerment Improve quality of life Assist people in developing their own action plan