SPICE स्पाइस ( मसालें ) द्वारा - ज्योति सिंह By-Jyothi Singh
Cardamom इलाइची Cover-Green Seeds- Black Scented Remedy for relieving gas, combating bad breath, nausea,headaches, piles and eye irritation.
Cinnamon दालचिनी Scented Colour- Brown Taste- sweetish Big trees Cures common digestive disorders Reduces Blood Sugar Reduce Cholestrol Relieves arthritic pain
Cloves लौंग Scented Beneficial during fever Cough and cold Home Remedy for toothache and sore gums Beneficial during fever Cough and cold Home Remedy for toothache and sore gums Colour-dark brown plants
Black pepper गोलमिर्च Taste- HOT Colour- BLACK Good for throat infections Rejuvenates Liver and builds up appetite courtsey
Bay leaves तेज पत्ता Scented Add flavor to food Good for Cough and cold Anti infection Color- green fresh leaves Dried- brown leaves Big trees
FENUGREEK मैथी Taste- BITTER Colour- Yellow Small plants Fenugreek treats diabetes Adding into coconut oil smoothens Hair, brings relief to gout, reduces liver Problems, Adds flavor to food.
Coriander धनिया Shape- round Taste- slightly hot Texture- Fibrous Color- Brown when dried, Green when fresh Plants- Small Can eat both seeds and Leaves Helps Digestion and insominia Scented
Cumin जीरा Color- dark brown Shape- small sharp points Taste- Hot spicy A cooling agent with digestive and Antiseptic Properties. Treats stomach ache
Asafetida हींग Scented Light coloured powder, dark sticky balls Cures stomach ailments Controls diarrhoea Improves digestion Cures tooth ache and joint pains
Sesame Seeds तिल Color- Skin- Black, Seed- White Scented when roasted Shape- Drop Shape Plants –Like Sunflower Good for waist strength Cures stomach ailments Fibrous Strengthens Hair