Hegel lived from 1770- 1831; he grew up in Stuttgart, Germany. He went through normal schooling, and entered the mediological seminary to.


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Presentation transcript:

Hegel lived from ; he grew up in Stuttgart, Germany. He went through normal schooling, and entered the mediological seminary to study theology. He shared a dorm with Schelling: a German idealist philosopher. He taught at Jena and Berlin Universities

Hegel believed dialectical reasoning was the only method of human thought. 3 stages Thesis Antithesis Synthesis Absolute Idealism- in order for a thinking subject (human reason/consciousness) to know its object (surroundings/world), the subject must have some sense of identity and being. (Kemerling)

Hegel believes that the mind does not immediately grasp the objects of the world. Knowledge falls into 2 categories: things that are unique to the individual things that are needed for universal understanding

Hegel published many philosophical writings; The Jena Writings The Phemenology of Spirit. Hegel believed that God only exists in our consciousness (our minds) which makes God perfect because we are able to have such a deep understanding of God.

Hegels philosophy was very unscientific, because he accredited History and human achievement to spirits rather than mankind. Hegel had much opposition: many people thought that his philosophies were very backward-thinking. Do you all agree with Hegels personal philosophy? Why or why not? (Sparknotes)

Romanticism is a movement that involves literature, art and philosophy, rather than politics, that appealed to people who disagreed with Enlightenment ideals. Also, Romanticism states that the path to truth is through the world within. They believed that nature was a spirit, and that a person should experience both sides of every story. Hegel agreed with this philosophy.

There are 3 modes of consciousness. Sense Certainty/Meaning- the minds initial attempt to grasp the nature of a thing Perception- the search for certainty, works with common language between individuals Understanding- when the mind works through inadequacies in sense certainty and perception and creates a more accurate result. (essentially learning) (Redding)

ARISTOTLE Sensory organs become like what they perceive People do not perceive anything directly People use sense perception to interpret the world to fit their needs (Disher)

HEGEL agrees with Aristotle that people do not perceive anything directly he does not agree that sensory organs become like what they perceive. Whose philosophy on sense perception do you think is more relevant to our lives and why?

Kemerling, Garth. "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel." Britticana. Internet Guide Selection Web.. Redding, Paul, "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2010 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =. SparkNotes Editors. SparkNote on Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831). SparkNotes LLC Web. 4 Feb