A Volunteer Exchange Programme Inspired by London 2012
The Wave of Friendship Lead partner: Volunteer Development Scotland Funded by Legacy Trust to of 4 programmes relating to the values of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Partner: Greater London Volunteering Supports the exchange of volunteers between Scotland and London, to encourage volunteering and share experiences Bursaries of up to £500 to cover travel, accommodation and other expenses The programme will provide grants to 200 volunteers over the four-year period
Information for Volunteers You can claim up to £500 to cover travel, accommodation and other expenses to volunteer – perhaps even tools to help you carry out the role! Volunteer activities must be in Scotland (if you’re from London) or London (if you’re from Scotland) Activities can be one-off (an event), short-term (task-oriented) or long term (up to project end) Only condition: must demonstrate Olympic and Paralympic Values of Friendship, Respect, Excellence, Courage, Determination, Equality and Inspiration Share Your Experience! Fill in the application form get form signed by org confirming you are volunteering Find opportunity/ volunteer role Scotland: VolunteerScotland.org.uk London: EventVolunteers.org.uk London: do-it.org.uk Scotland/London: visit a Volunteer Centre Scotland/London: contact a charity direct
Information for Organisations Want to increase the number of activities or reach of your organisation with support from volunteers? Don’t have funds to engage more volunteers? Have a sister organisation or partner you want to work with? Share good volunteer management and discover new ways of involving volunteers Want to be involved or connected with London 2012? Promote opportunities on Wave = new volunteers Encourage friends to accompany existing volunteers on Wave = increase in volunteers back Developing volunteer programme or link up for mutual exchange = expenses for new volunteers Support and send existing volunteers on Wave = volunteer development = volunteer retention = inspiring stories & new ideas Demonstrate your support to 2012
Find out more London contact: Jane/Kerry at GLV / Scotland contact: Rebecca at VDS uk