Main objectives Create equal educational conditions for all students independent of social background, gender or ethnic belonging A larger number of students reach their set up goals Build networks
Attitudes in School -an education about values and attitudes to increase goal fulfillment
What are attitudes? Attitudes are an evaluation of people, events, phenomenas, opinions or objects. They are structured expectations or preconceived ideas. We get our attitudes from our social surroundings. They are validative and function as support and help in our daily life – they can also in a negative way make us ignore important circumstances in our surroundings.
Attitudes can be changed Attitudes are most of all influenced by emotions and facts
Positive role models to create positive attitudes To lift forward the positive role models within ones own school.
Education through 3 steps 1.A two day boarding school 2.Analysis to help the schools formulate the goals with the efforts. Also help with formulating main objectives with the efforts. 3.Opportunity to choose from a wide range of different educations which focuses on themes
Main objectives Create equal educational conditions for all students independent of social background, gender or ethnic belonging A larger number of students reach their set up goals Build networks
1. School development in practice – Leading and steering Help to look out for all co-workers diverse background, experience and education. Education in a complicated society of change. Together with colleagues in similar situations. For school leaders.
2. Value- and cooperation exercices To create a safe educational environment fot the participants. To shed light on questions regarding how adults and young people relate to one another. To channel and include the participants knowledge and experiences. To give the participants support in the development process within their own school. Methods to improve adults behaviour in relation to young people.
3. Dare to be a grown up Presentation of a model used when working with children and young people. It´s all about learning how to make good choices in life. Equal but different – about worth and similarity. An increased psychologification within our schools. Give structure to children with lack of structure. We need to see beyond our own and the group interests to be able to see to the overall picture.
4. Parental collaboration In what way can pedagogues increase the parental involvement in their educational programmes? What mechanisms are decisive for the collaboration between the school and the home? Six different collaboration methods: parenting, communication, volontary work, home work, decision making and collaboration with the nearby society. To increase the parents faith in the school
5. How to live in a multicultural society Interdisciplinary education. The human being and her relations in the globalised and multicultural society of today. What kind of consequences does dichotomous thinking create? The importance of critical thinking, intercultural understanding and human rights in order to create a safe school environment. To be and authentic human being.
6. Students teach teachers A group of students have created an education for their teachers.
7. Awareness of the meaning with attitudes and behaviour in relation to others Together with drama pedagogoues from House of Dreams in Malmoe teachers get to try out and learn new ways of practice with culture as the only tool.
8. Management of school climate In what ways do violence express itself at your school? What phenomenas gives breeding ground for violence? How can we get control? How can we make the school a safe environment? What kind of activities affect the students in a positive way? The goal is to create a safe school.
9. Law against discrimination and other insulting treatment of children and students What consequences will the new law have on our work within our own schools?
Attitudes in school An education about values and attitudes presented by Centre of Diversity in Education in Malmoe. Commissioned by the Swedish National Agency for School Improvement.