The Latin Quarter
During the Middle ages, Latin was the international language spoken in and around the University of La Sorbonne. This area then adapted its name from the Latin speaking students.
The Latin Quarter uses Markets! You can shop for Souvenirs, trinkets, Scarves, clothes, shoes, wine, make up, and Chocolate Monoprix’s grocery department. LA RUE MOUFFETARD
Musee de Cluny Le Panthéon Jardin des Plantes The Sorbonne Place Saint-Michel La Grande Mosquée de Paris Institut du Monde Arabe Rue Mouffetard District Arènes de Lutece Historic Paris Movie Theaters 70 year old film center recently moved to he left bank : has shown over 40,000 films “one of the Latin Quarters most star dusted spots” only a block away from La Sorbonne (favorite among students) Built in 1938 “Ideal spot to admire nature and understand the science behind them” Work began in 1764 and was completed in 1790
ATELIER MAITRE ALBERT Restaurants Chef Guy Savoy Arenes de Lutece Uses,theater, circus, and sporting arena Gallo-Roman era in Paris “Place St-Michel is the busiest spot in the Latin Quarter with its pink marble fountain, built in 1860 ” Built in the 1 st to 2 nd century AD by the Romans
Greek catholic parish church: one of the cities oldest religious buildings Dates between 1165 and 1220 Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet Roman catholic church: built in the 13 th century between 1656 and Built in the 12 th and 15 th century Located near the Panthéon
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