kasbtv.com Starting a Global eBiz in Pakistan: Opportunities & Challenges Altaf H. Khan
kasbtv.com Overview Global eBusiness? Based in Pakistan? Selection process New product, technology, business model development Risk/rewards
kasbtv.com Overview Global eBusiness? Based in Pakistan? Selection process New product, technology, business model development Risk/rewards Originating the idea Assembling a team Writing the biz plan Raising capital Execution phase Improving the odds Wrap-up
kasbtv.com eBussiness? A business which leverages the Internet
kasbtv.com Global eBusiness? An eBusiness focusing on one or more of the following markets: –North America –Europe –Asia
kasbtv.com Based in Pakistan? Emotional reason? Sound business reasons? – HR quantity & cost – Infrastructure quality & cost
kasbtv.com Many Possibilities Professional Training IT-enabled, remote services Custom software development New technology, product, business model development
kasbtv.com Which Sector is Right for You? DimensionTrainingRemoteCustomProducts Market size Competitive advantage Leadership Experienced professionals Junior professionals Training Telecom Distribution channels Buildings Initial investment Returns Payback period Ease of exit Scalability Diversification opportunities Sustainability
kasbtv.com New Prod, Tech, Biz Model Dev New Products –Video ICQ Disruptive Technologies –Multimedia search engine Novel Business Models –eTransaction enablement w/o credit cards
kasbtv.com Risks Empirical evidence points towards low rate of success You are developing something that will come to market 1-5 yrs down the road. During that time: –The targeted market may disappear –Someone may come up with the same product, first! Your projections may be based on incorrect assumptions
kasbtv.com Rewards Recognition among your peers Immense wealth & fame
kasbtv.com The First Step? Originate an idea that is: –New, unique, novel –Addresses an unbounded market –Has a built-in barrier to entry
kasbtv.com The Next Step? Write the biz plan that includes: 1.Executive summary 2.Company description 3.Product/service 4.Market analysis 5.Competitive analysis 6.Execution of biz plan 7.Management team 8.Capital requirements 9.Financial analysis
kasbtv.com Contents of the Biz Plan Write the biz plan that includes: 1.Executive summary 2.Company description 3.Product/service 4.Market analysis 5.Competitive analysis 6.Execution of biz plan 7.Management team 8.Capital requirements 9.Financial analysis A concise summary of the entire business plan
kasbtv.com Contents of the Biz Plan Write the biz plan that includes: 1.Executive summary 2.Company description 3.Product/service 4.Market analysis 5.Competitive analysis 6.Execution of biz plan 7.Management team 8.Capital requirements 9.Financial analysis Background info about the company, including capital structure
kasbtv.com Contents of the Biz Plan Write the biz plan that includes: 1.Executive summary 2.Company description 3.Product/service 4.Market analysis 5.Competitive analysis 6.Execution of biz plan 7.Management team 8.Capital requirements 9.Financial analysis What will the company provide its customers? How will customers benefit from the company's product/ services compared to what they currently use/have?
kasbtv.com Contents of the Biz Plan Write the biz plan that includes: 1.Executive summary 2.Company description 3.Product/service 4.Market analysis 5.Competitive analysis 6.Execution of biz plan 7.Management team 8.Capital requirements 9.Financial analysis How many potential customers benefit from the company's product/ services compared to what they currently use/have? Growth rate? Marketing strategy?
kasbtv.com Contents of the Biz Plan Write the biz plan that includes: 1.Executive summary 2.Company description 3.Product/service 4.Market analysis 5.Competitive analysis 6.Execution of biz plan 7.Management team 8.Capital requirements 9.Financial analysis Who are the key competitors? In what areas are you stronger/weaker than them? Are there barriers to entry that can stop others enter the market?
kasbtv.com Contents of the Biz Plan Write the biz plan that includes: 1.Executive summary 2.Company description 3.Product/service 4.Market analysis 5.Competitive analysis 6.Execution of biz plan 7.Management team 8.Capital requirements 9.Financial analysis How will the business plan be implemented? Strategies? Timeline? Budget? Tactics? Alliances?
kasbtv.com Contents of the Biz Plan Write the biz plan that includes: 1.Executive summary 2.Company description 3.Product/service 4.Market analysis 5.Competitive analysis 6.Execution of biz plan 7.Management team 8.Capital requirements 9.Financial analysis Who are the people in the company? What experience, track record, expertise do they bring?
kasbtv.com Contents of the Biz Plan Write the biz plan that includes: 1.Executive summary 2.Company description 3.Product/service 4.Market analysis 5.Competitive analysis 6.Execution of biz plan 7.Management team 8.Capital requirements 9.Financial analysis How much does the company require to implement the plan? How does the company value itself to investors? Expected burn-rate?
kasbtv.com Contents of the Biz Plan Write the biz plan that includes: 1.Executive summary 2.Company description 3.Product/service 4.Market analysis 5.Competitive analysis 6.Execution of biz plan 7.Management team 8.Capital requirements 9.Financial analysis Financial projections, including cash-flow analysis
kasbtv.com Assembling the Team Key characteristics to look for: –Do they share your vision, values? –Are they flexible about their roles? –Are they energetic, persistent? –Do they work with a sense of urgency?
kasbtv.com Assembling the Team Key characteristics to look for: –Do they share your vision, values? –Are they flexible about their roles? –Are they energetic, persistent? –Do they work with a sense of urgency? How to find them? –Through your network –Through the networks of your investors
kasbtv.com Raising Capital Things to look for in investors: –Their track record –Their contacts –Their people
kasbtv.com Raising Capital Things to look for in investors: –Their track record –Their contacts –Their people They will bite if you have, –An innovative idea –A huge market –A reasonable execution strategy –A persistent, energetic, smart team
kasbtv.com Execution Successful marketing is critical Be business-driven, not technology-driven Stay focused on your business objective Be flexible; change your biz plan, if required Create a high-energy organizational culture Outsource non-core tasks Actively seek value-adding partners & affiliates Focus on the customer
kasbtv.com Summary Originate a unique idea Write a compelling business plan Assemble a team Raise capital Execute
kasbtv.com Improving the Odds Build an unfair advantage Write a compelling marketing plan Assemble a great team Raise smart capital Found value-adding partnerships/affiliations Outsource non-core activities