DEREL Presentation ITAT – March 31, April 1, 2011 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia – GPM 1 Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) Università degli Studi di Firenze Corso di Laurea Magistrale Ingegneria per la Tutela dell’Ambiente e del Territorio Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate)
Before Bologna Process (<2001) After Bologna Process > years, single cycle course of studies Laurea Magistrale (Postgraduate) 2 years Several “Schools” of Engineering in different “Classes”, 3 years “Corsi di Laurea” Master 1st level, 1 year Master 2nd level, 1 year PhD Course 1º1º 2º2º 3º3º 4º4º 5º5º 6º6º 7º7º 8º8º Ricercatore (Access to Univ. career) Degree in Engineering Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) Degree in Engineering (Undergraduate) Degree in Engineering (Postgraduate)
DEREL Presentation ITAT – March 31, April 1, 2011 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia – GPM 3 Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) Postgraduate Engineering University of Firenze 120 ECTS (Lauree Magistrali 120 ECTS ) Ingegneria Edile – Building Engineering Ingegneria Civile – Civil Engineering Ingegneria per la Tutela dell'Ambiente e del Territorio Environment and Territory Protection Engineering Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni – Telecommunication Engineering Ingegneria Elettronica – Electronics Engineering Ingegneria Informatica – Computer Sciences Engineering Ingegneria Elettrica e dell’Automazione - Electric and Automation Engineering Ingegneria Energetica – Energy Engineering Ingegneria Meccanica – Mechanical Engineering Ingegneria Biomedica – Biomedical Engineering. Corse syllabus, Postgraduate, 2010/11
DEREL Presentation ITAT – March 31, April 1, 2011 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia – GPM 4 Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) 1st year study plan - 63 ECTS Discipline Code – SSD NameECTS Discipline Code – SSD NameECTS GEO/11 Environmental Geophysics 9SECS-P/01Applied Economics6 ING-IND/09 ING-IND/11 CHIM/06 Advanced heat/mass transfer Special energy conversion systems and organic chemistry 9 NG-IND/09 ING-IND/11 CHIM/06 Advanced heat/mass transfer Special energy conversion systems and organic chemistry 3 MAT/08-09 Numerical Methods and Optimization 3MAT/08-09 Numerical Methods and Optimization 9 ICAR/01River Dynamics9ICAR/02Hydraulic Design9 ING-INF/04 Analysis of ecological systems 6
DEREL Presentation ITAT – March 31, April 1, 2011 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia – GPM 5 Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) 2nd year suggested study plan - 57 ECTS TUTELA DEL TERRITORIO - TERRITORY PROTECTION Discipline Code SSD NameECTS Discipline Code SSD NameECTS ICAR/02 Coastal hydrodinamics and coastal protection 9ICAR-20 Territorial and urban planning 6 ICAR-08 Analysis and design of civil structures subject to natural risks 9ICAR-02 Territory monitoring and hydraulic protection 9 Elective courses12 Final Project Work and Exam 12 Discipline Code SSDNameECTS Disciplin e Code SSD NameECTS ICAR-02Water systems and water resources management 9ICAR-03 Advanced environmental and sanitary engineering 9 ICAR-03Environmental and sanitary engineering plants design 9 ING- IND/11 Environmental acoustics6 Elective courses12 Final Project Work and Exam 12 IMPIANTI, QUALITA’ DELL’AMBIENTE ED ENERGIA - PLANTS, ENVIRONMENT QUALITY AND ENERGY
DEREL Presentation ITAT – March 31, April 1, 2011 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia – GPM 6 Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) Elective Courses (6 ECTS each) 2010/11; max 12 ECTS Discipline Code SSD NameDiscipline Code SSD Name FIS/03 Physics of complex systems ICAR-11 Working yard safety and environment GEO/05 Engineering geology ING-IND/09 Energy and the environment ICAR-01 Environmental fluid mechanics ING-IND/15 Environmental images computing ICAR-02 Advanced hydrology ING-INF/04 Automation of ecological processes ICAR-03 Solid waste management and treatment SECS-P/02 Statistical methods for decision- making ICAR-06 Photogrammetry ICAR-07 Seismic engineering (advanced soil mechanics) ING- IND/09 Energy managment in industrial plants ING-IND/09 Renewable energies
DEREL Presentation ITAT – March 31, April 1, 2011 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia – GPM 7 Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) In practice, for the second year, the students are free to propose different aggregations of exams within the “Mainframe scheme” (“Ordinamento”). Modification of the Mainframe scheme is a complex approval procedure which involves Italian Ministry of Education through CUN (Italian University National Council), the university consultive body for the interaction with the ministry Every year minor adjustments can be performed on the “Detailed Scheme” (“Regolamento”): Different course names can be proposed, and even specific courses can be suppressed (i.e. retirement or temporary unavailability of the staff teacher) The Detailed Scheme has a strong resemblance to the actual Synthetic Scheme of the study plan, but its formulation is different (and less effective). However, the Detailed Scheme MUST fit inside the Mainframe Scheme, and this is checked every year by the University Internal Control Team (NVA = Nucleo Valutazione di Ateneo)
DEREL Presentation ITAT – March 31, April 1, 2011 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia – GPM 8 Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) Disciplines are taken from two groups: A)Disciplinary (“caratterizzanti”) Characteristic skills for Environmental Engineering 45 to 66 ECTS BIO/07 Ecologia - Ecology CHIM/12 Chimica dell'ambiente e dei beni culturali Chemistry of Environment and cultural heritage GEO/02 Geologia stratigrafica e sedimentologica Geology and Sedimentology GEO/03 Geologia strutturale Structural Geology GEO/05 Geologia applicata Applied Geology GEO/11 Geofisica applicata Applied Gophisics ICAR/01 Idraulica Hydraulics ICAR/02 Costruzioni idrauliche e marittime e idrologia Hydraulic and Coastal Structures and Hydrology ICAR/03 Ingegneria sanitaria – ambientale Environmental and Sanitary Engineering ICAR/05 Trasporti Transports ICAR/06 Topografia e cartografia Topography and Cartography ICAR/07 Geotecnica Geotechnics ICAR/08 Scienza delle costruzioni Solid mechanics ICAR/09 Tecnica delle costruzioni Constructions Techniques ICAR/20 Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica Urban Planning ING-IND/24 Principi di ingegneria chimica Chemical Engineering Fundamentals ING-IND/27 Chimica industriale e tecnologica Industrial and Technological Chemistry ING-IND/28 Ingegneria e sicurezza degli scavi Escavation Engineering and Safety ING-IND/29 Ingegneria delle materie prime Row Material Engineering ING-IND/30 Idrocarburi e fluidi del sottosuolo Underground Hydrocarbon and Fluids Engineering Mainframe Scheme (Ordinamento) The mainframe scheme also specifies the conditions for access to the PostGraduate level. ITAT requires 90 Credits (over 180 in the undergraduate study course) which are detailed in specific coded disciplines.
DEREL Presentation ITAT – March 31, April 1, 2011 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia – GPM 9 Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) Disciplines are taken from two groups: A1) Interdisciplinary (“affini e integrative”) Integrative Activities A11) 12 to 30 ECTS CHIM/03 - Chimica generale e inorganica General and Inorganic chemistry CHIM/06 - Chimica organica Organic Chemistry CHIM/07 - Fondamenti chimici delle tecnologie Elements of Chemistry and Technologies FIS/01 - Fisica sperimentale experimental physics FIS/03 - Fisica della materia FIS/07 - Fisica applicata Applied Physics MAT/06 - Probabilita' e statistica matematica Statistics and Mathematical Probability MAT/07 - Fisica matematica Mathematical Physics MAT/08 - Analisi numerica Numerical Analysis MAT/09 - Ricerca operativa Operations Research SECS-P/01 - Economia politica Politics Economy SECS-S/02 - Statistica per la ricerca sperimentale e tecnologica Statistics for Experimental and Technology Research Mainframe Scheme (Ordinamento)
DEREL Presentation ITAT – March 31, April 1, 2011 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia – GPM 10 Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) Disciplines are taken from two groups: A1) Interdisciplinary (“affini e integrative”) Integrative Activities A12) 12 to 24 ECTS (A11 + A12) = A Credits Free Choice 8 – 18 Final Exam 10 – 18 Language abilities 0 – 3 Computer abilities 0-3 training/placement 0-15 Others for work, employment: 0-3 Overall: 120 (2 years) ING-IND/08 – Macchine Power Engineering ING-IND/09 - Sistemi per l'energia e l'ambiente Energy Conversion Systems ING-IND/10 - Fisica tecnica industriale Industrial Physics ING-IND/11 - Fisica tecnica ambientale Environmental Thermophysics ING-IND/12 - Misure meccaniche e termiche Measurement techniques (Thermal and Mechanical) ING-IND/14 - Progettazione meccanica e costruzione di macchine Machine Design/Project Engineering ING-IND/15 - Disegno e metodi dell'ingegneria industriale Mechanical Design/Project Engineering ING-IND/16 - Tecnologie e sistemi di lavorazione Industrial Technology and production systems ING-IND/17 - Impianti industriali meccanici Industrial Plants Engineering ING-IND/19 - Impianti nucleari Nuclear Power Plants ING-IND/22 - Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali Materials Technology and Science ING-IND/25 - Impianti chimici Chemical Plants ING-IND/32 - Convertitori, macchine e azionamenti elettrici Electrical Converters, Machines and mechanisms ING-IND/33 - Sistemi elettrici per l'energia Energy Electrical Systems ING-INF/01 – Elettronica Electronics ING-INF/02 - Campi elettromagnetici Electromagnetic fields ING-INF/03 – Telecomunicazioni Telecommunications ING-INF/04 – Automatica Automation ING-INF/05 - Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni Information Engineering ING-INF/07 - Misure elettriche ed elettroniche Electrical and Electronics measurements IUS/07 - Diritto del lavoro Labour Legislation
DEREL Presentation ITAT – March 31, April 1, 2011 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia – GPM 11 Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) The detailed scheme assigns course names, and allows the NVA to check if the requirements of the mainframe are satisfied. In the 2010/11 case (Example), group (a) scores 60 credits, which is between the required range. Detailed Scheme (Regolamento)
DEREL Presentation ITAT – March 31, April 1, 2011 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia – GPM 12 Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) Detailed scheme : In the 2010/11 case (Example), groups (A11 and A12) score 33 ECTS, which is between the required range.
DEREL Presentation ITAT – March 31, April 1, 2011 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia – GPM 13 Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) The Detailed Scheme allows to check how all other learning activities are allocated within the upper/lower limits specified by the Mainframe Scheme. This check is automatic when the course syllabus is defined on the national data-base (Off-F), but its fulfilment is verified by the NVA, and finally the University Senate approves it. Free Choice Language, final exam “Others”: + language, computer, training/placement, work orientation... Detailed Scheme (Regolamento)
DEREL Presentation ITAT – March 31, April 1, 2011 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia – GPM 14 Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) Overall minimum : 90 ECTS. If the minimum is NOT satisfied by less than 30 ECTS, the Enrolment Evaluation Committee proposes a preliminary make-up access path using undergraduate course exams which must be passed before official enrolment Access conditions from undergraduate level: ECTS minimum
DEREL Presentation ITAT – March 31, April 1, 2011 Ohrid, FYR Macedonia – GPM 15 Environment and Territory Protection Engineering (Postgraduate) Contacts : DELEGATE, International relations:DELEGATE, International relations: Prof. Duccio Fanelli School Director:School Director: Prof. Giampaolo Manfrida