Roles and Responsibility National Disaster Operations Centre Major S K Sane At Mobilizing People in Emergencies Wksp, 28-29 June 2007 Safari Park, Nairobi
National (Disaster) Operations Centre Introduction Government formulated a National Policy on Disaster Management and DRR Policy aims at addressing the increasing incidences and emergence of disasters. Currently, the Ministry of Special Programmes in the Office of the President is charged with the management of disasters in Kenya
Mandate The mandate of the ministry is as follows: Special Programme policies Arid and Semi Arid Lands Resource Management Projects (ALRMP) Coordination of Disaster Risk Reduction Programmes Coordination of campaign against HIV/AIDS Disaster and emergency response coordination
National Disaster Operations Centre (NOC) Established on 21 January 1998 following the adverse effects of El Nino rains. Coordinates disaster management in the country. Manned by officers drawn from various Ministries/Departments of the Government on a 24 hour basis.
Responsibilities Coordination of all disaster activities, before, during and after occurrence. Informing all stakeholders of the national disaster contingency plans. Translating the decisions of the National Disaster Coordination Committee (NDCC) into action or instructions and ensure that those instructions are transmitted and carried out by the Ministries /Departments to whom they are directed Preparing of all inventories for national resources.
Responsibilities (cont.) Arranging for clearance of relief activities from outside the country. Preparing media programmes for public information. Carrying out annual evaluation of disaster activities. Issuing daily Situation Reports to stakeholders. Prioritizing of relief action.
Kenya has experienced several kinds of disasters These include: MAJOR HAZARDS IN KENYA Kenya has experienced several kinds of disasters These include: Drought Floods Fires Terrorism Landslides HIV/ AIDS and disease epidemics Transport accidents
Other Hazards Water hyacinth Frost, fog, strong winds and hailstones Technological hazards Oceanic shoreline changes and the likely effects on the environment and settlements
DISASTER MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Ministry of Special Programmes The executive arm of government has created and mandated the Minister in the office of the President for Special Programmes to implement measures and plans for disaster management in consultation with other organs of Government. These measures are carried out within the prevailing legal framework and government policies and guidelines
National Disaster Management Institutions National Disaster Management Executive Committee (NDMEC) Body established to design programmes for disaster intervention. It is the highest institution in disaster systems and falls under the Cabinet Office. It is chaired by a Cabinet Minister and has members drawn from Government ministries National Disaster Coordination Committee (NDCC) This next top level organ in disaster management. The National Disaster Coordination Committee is chaired by the Permanent Secretary, Special Programmes.
DM Institutions contd Provincial Disaster (Management) Committee (PDC) This is charged with all disaster issues in the province. It is chaired by the Provincial Commissioner (PC) to manage disasters in their respective AOR. District Disaster (Management) Committee (DDC) This is chaired by the District Commissioner (DC) to manage disasters in their respective AOR. Members include technical representatives at the district level and the security teams. Kenya Food Security Committee The Ministry of Agriculture, the Arid and Semi Arid Resource Management Project, WFP, FEWSNET and USAID collect data monthly on key agricultural, livestock, economic, social and climatic indicators to generate reports for Kenya food Security Coordination System. UN Agencies The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been responsible for coordinating the interventions of all UN agencies towards disaster situations in Kenya, under the umbrella of the United Nations Disaster Management Team (UNDMT)
DM Institutions contd Local Agencies/NGOs A number of independent agencies are involved in disaster management in Kenya. These bodies work in coordination with the national disaster management system. They include the following Kenya Red Cross St Johns Ambulance ICRC IFRC AMREF
DISASTER MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Line Ministries; Each ministry is expected to initiate mechanisms to address prevention, early warning and preparedness, immediate relief, maintenance and rehabilitation. Provincial Administration Police Search and Rescue- Military Anti-terrorism Evacuation planning and management- Ministry of Health, Krcs, St. John Ambulance, Amref Enforcement of crowd control Conflict resolution and Fire fighting.
Strategies contd The Necessity of Employing a Multi-Sectoral Approach; disaster management is multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approach The Role of Communities The primary cell for disaster management is the individual building- up to the community then to the nation Regional Perspectives and Strategies Recognizes that some hazards are not confined to national borders e.g. drought
Stakeholders This includes Government Ministries and departments like; Department of Defence Provincial Administration Kenya Police Force Ministry of Health Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Rural Development Ministry of Transport Ministry Of Environment And Natural Resources Ministry Of Local Government, Ministry Of Roads And Public Works
Stakeholders contd Kenya Red Cross St Johns Ambulance ICRC IFRC AMREF
UN AGENCIES The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been responsible for coordinating the interventions of all UN agencies towards disaster situations in Kenya, under the umbrella of the United Nations Disaster Management Team (UNDMT) composed of: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) The World Food Programme (WFP) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) World Health Organization (WHO) United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) United Nations Office in Nairobi (UNON) Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) World Bank and United Nations Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
Drought of 2005/6 Began in 2003 to April 2006 Affected 26 districts rising to 37 Affected 1.2 million rising to 3.2 Government, International Agents involved in response. Government invested over Kshs. 4 billion
The role of NOC during the drought situation The Director of NOC has participated in all the activities of the disaster from 22nd December 2005 reconnaissance. Initiated disaster management through established channels Participated in formulation of strategies for management of the disaster Initiated approach based on humanitarian principles and principles of Civil – Military Coordination (CMCoord) Attached three On Site Disaster Coordination Teams to Wajir, Mandera, Marsabit and Moyale districts for humanitarian activities. Coordination of relief supplies through Road and Air movement Liaised with the NGO and international community on the matter Provided information as it becomes available Liaison with DOD and KAF Liaison with Kenya Red Cross
Lessons learned Lack of effective early warning Early warning systems over decentralized Response mechanism uncoordinated Lack of legislation to empower the Ministry charged with the responsibility for disaster response coordination Lack of disaster fund
Collapsed Building A lone building came down in January 2006 Caused by poor construction 14 dead and 90 wounded Respond at National and international level, included USA, UK, Israel
And Lessons Learnt Collapsed Building Search Rescue Response slow & uncoordinated Capacity Search and rescue -fire brigade only and lacking Search and rescue- military lacking Manpower unskilled in SAR Search and rescue equipment lacking Conflict in legal jurisdictions
Continued Lessons Learnt Ambulance services inadequate Hospitals- inadequate space Inadequate equipment in i.c.u
REQUIREMENT Capacity building all round for Search and Rescue for human resource Acquisition of equipment for Search & Rescue Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu ICU capacity improvement and enhancement in Mombasa, Nairobi & Kisumu Mobile Emergency medical units for rapid response in situ for Mombasa, Nairobi & Kisumu Fire fighting capability in urban areas
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