CNS infection in HIV patients Int.Naruenont Dolsaritchaiya 24th June 2013
Outline Approach Common diseases - basic knowledges - medical treatment - surgical indication Take home messages
How to approach HIV patients can acquire both opportunistic infections and others found in normal host Work up should be extensive due to the possibility of multiple infections However, opportunistic infection should draw attention firstly
How to approach Algorithm
How to approach Source : HIV-associated Opportunistic infections of the CNS Lancet Neurol 2012; 11: 605-17
How to approach Lesions can be categorized into 3 types based on radiological appearance : 1.Focal mass 2.White matter disease 3.Meningeal disease
How to approach Focal masses Focal masses with rim-enhancement 1.Toxoplasmosis 2.Tuberculoma 3.Cryptococcoma 4.Primary CNS lymphoma (not infection) 5.Bacterial and fungal abscesses 6.CMV encephalitis (rarely)
How to approach Focal masses Focal masses without rim-enhancement 1.Toxoplasmosis 2.Cryptococcoma 3.Atypical primary CNS lymphoma
How to approach White matter disease 1.HIV encephalopathy (HIVE) 2.CMV encephalitis 3.Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)
How to approach Meningeal disease 1.HIV meningoencephalitis 2.Cryptococcal meningitis 3.Tuberculous meningitis 4.Other bacterial/viral meningitis
Common diseases
Toxoplasmosis Principal OI in HIV patients 15-40% of AIDS patients Usually occurs when CD4 < 100 Almost always a reactivation and serology is positive in 85% Seronegative cases occur as a result immunosuppression or rarely a primary infection
Toxoplasmosis Common sites : 1.Basal ganglia 2.Cortico-medullary junction usually frontal and parietal lobe 3.Brainstem Meningeal involvement uncommon
Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis 1. Imaging : CT/MRI - rim-enhancing lesion - typically 1-2 cm - < 20% solitary 2.Serology : IgG, IgM 3.PCR
Toxoplasmosis Treatment : Pyrimethamine + Sulfadiazine 6 weeks In cases of failure to diagnose or respond to medical treatment within 7 days, biopsy is needed for tissue pathological diagnosis Secondary prophylaxis until CD4 > 200 for 6 months
Tuberculosis Found in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent host HIV patients are prone to develop reactivation and extrapulmonary infection Tuberculous meningitis and tuberculoma/TB abscess (uncommon)
Tuberculosis CN III palsy Involves cerebral artery which can produce focal ischemia
Tuberculosis Diagnosis 1.CSF profile : mainstay for Dx ***AFB +ve in 1/3 2.Imaging : CT/MRI
Tuberculosis Diagnosis : CSF profile
Tuberculosis Imaging : CT/MRI - Leptomeningeal enhancement mainly at the base of skull - tuberculoma at basal ganglia - communicating/noncommunicating hydrocephalus
Tuberculosis Imaging : CT/MRI
Tuberculosis Treatment : HRZE x 9 months or more ***Steroid reduces morbidity In case of hydrocephalus, extraventricular drainage or shunt is required to reduce ICP
Cryptococcosis Usually develops when CD4 < 100 Forms : meningitis/cryptococcoma pulmonary skin and soft tissue Meningismus may be absent Complication : CN deficit, visual loss, cognitive impairment
Cryptococcosis Poor prognosis : - +ve Indian ink - high CSF pressure - low glucose - low pleocytosis < 2 cells/mm3 - extraneural yeast cell - absence of Ab - CSF or serum crypto. Ag > 1:32 - steroid use - hematologic malignacy
Cryptococcosis Diagnosis 1.Indian ink 2.Cryptococcal Ag in CSF/serum 3.Imaging : CT/MRI
Cryptococcosis Imaging : CT/MRI - hydrocephalus - meningeal enhancement - cryptococcomas at basal ganglion - punched-out cystic lesion
Cryptococcosis Imaging : CT/MRI
Cryptococcosis Treatment : Amp. B 0.7-1.0 mg/kg/day 2 weeks and then fluconazole 400 mg/day for 10 weeks Repeated LP or shunt is necessary to relieve increased ICP Secondary prophylaxis until CD4 > 200 for 6 months
Primary CNS lymphoma Frequently occurs in severe immunosuppression or AIDS High grade B-cell lymphoma Strongly associated with EBV Poor prognosis compared to similar lymphoma outside CNS
Primary CNS lymphoma Imaging : CT/MRI - rim-enhancing or heterogeneously enhancing - usually > 3 cm - periventricular, frontal, temporal Difficult to distinguish from toxoplasmosis or metastasis
Primary CNS lymphoma Diagnosis usually made after failure to respond to toxoplasmosis Rx Brain biopsy is mandatory to obtain tissue pathology If safe to LP, CSF for EBV DNA help to diagnose with no need to perform biopsy
Primary CNS lymphoma Imaging : CT/MRI
Primary CNS lymphoma Treatment : CMT + WBRT > 90% have a recurrence disease Surgical resection : for immediate decompresion of life-threatening mass effect
HIV encephalopathy HIV-associated dementia Symptoms : progressive dementia, cognitive impairment, motor symptoms, gait disturbance, tremor Subcortical dementia : no aphasia, apraxia or agnosia Alertness is minimally perturbed
HIV encephalopathy Diagnosis 1.Imaging : CT/MRI 2.CSF profile
HIV encephalopathy Imaging : CT/MRI
HIV encephalopathy CSF profile - non specific increased in cells and protein - helpful in diagnosing or ruling out OI - HIV RNA not correlate with HIV encephalopathy
HIV encephalopathy Treatment : HAART CNS resistance may occur
CMV encephalitis Usually occurs when CD4 < 50 Reactivation of latent infection Two forms : 1.Encephalitis : progressive dementia 2.Ventriculoencephalitis : CN deficit, alteration of consciousness, nystagmus, disorientation, ventriculomegaly
CMV encephalitis Diagnosis 1.CSF : PCR for CMV DNA culture 2.Imaging : CT/MRI - periventricular enhancement ***no calcification like congenital CMV - subependymal enhancement - 50% normal imaging
CMV encephalitis Imaging : CT/MRI
CMV encephalitis Treatment : Ganciclovir, Valganciclovir induction of 14-21 days followed by prolonged maintenance therapy Secondary prophylaxis until CD4 > 100 for 3 months
PML Caused by the reactivation of the Jamestown Canyon (JC) virus CD4 counts usually below 100/mm3 Multiple areas of demyelination throughout the brain sparing cord and optic nerve
PML Symptoms : visual loss mental impairment weakness ataxia
PML Diagnosis : 1. MRI - multifocal asymmetric white matter lesions - subcortical white matter, cerebellum - low signal on T1 weighted images and hyperintense on T2 weighted/FLAIR
PML Diagnosis : MRI
PML Diagnosis : 2.CSF : PCR for JCV DNA normal cells and protein
HSV encephalitis HSV produces necrotizing encephalitis in HIV patients Predilection for the medial temporal and inferior frontal lobes
HSV encephalitis Diagnosis : 1.CSF : PCR for HSV DNA - sens. 96% and spec. 99% (equivalent or exceed brain biopsy) - maybe negative if too early (< 72 hr) or more than 14 days
HSV encephalitis Diagnosis : 2.Imaging : CT/MRI - area of low absorption, mass effect or hemorrhage on CT - hyperintensity signal on T2/FLAIR or diffuse-weighted
HSV encephalitis Imaging : CT/MRI
HSV encephalitis Treatment : IV acyclovir 10 mg/kg q 8 hr for 14 days and repeat CSF profile *** Dilute < 7mg/ml and infused slowly over 1 hr to minimize renal dysfunction
Take home messages Neurological manifestations in HIV/AIDS patients have a wide spectrum Clinicians must consider multiple causes which share similar clinical and radiographic patterns Neurosurgery carry an important role for diagnosis and treatment
References Youman textbook of neurosurgery 6th ed. Harrison textbook of internal medicine 17th ed. Lancet neurology 2012