E-Signature application in Business Process Management Loan Application Processing The Prototype Baltic IT&T 2007 Conference Riga, April Juris Scerbickis CEO D8 Latvia SIA
Contents Introduction to D8 E-Signature in the context of BPM Loan Application Processing prototype Q/A
D8 facts Software Development and Integration company. Located in Riga Subsidiary in Kiev Established in 1998 Current number of staff: 40 Core Markets: Baltics CIS (Ukraine) Targeted: Kazakhstan, Russia Middle East Central Africa Targeted Customers: Financial Sector (e.g., Banks) State Funded Projects
D8 facts (continued) Core Business competencies Banking and Finance Utilities Products Payment delivery solutions for Financial Organizations Payment Cards Internet-banking Mobile-Banking Risk Management Systems Loyality Solutions Services Software Development Business Process Design and Implementation Project Management
D8 facts (continued 2) Some of key customers are: Latvian Savings BankRiga Parex BankBaltics Hipotēku BankaRiga Aizkraukles BankaRiga Rietumu BankaRiga Hansabank GroupBaltics Jordan Investment and Finance BankJordan Jordan Kuwait BankJordan Ukrainian Financial NetworkKiev LatvenergoRiga Year 2006 – E-Signature Project for Latvian Post (as Microsoft subcontractor)
Business Process Management (BPM) BPM focuses on – how to make processes More effective More efficient More capable to adapt (being it financial services, healthcare or public sector) E-Signature in the context of BPM Lets more activities to be automated Lets more documents to be processed digitaly Lets more activities to be done remotely Lets more activities to be done in a secure way Etc. (helps to run processes faster …)
Loan Application Processing The Prototype Microsoft and The Banking industry Objectives: Build a prototype of Loan Applications Processing Solution on top of latest Microsoft platforms and tools MS SharePoint® Server MS InfoPath® MS Forms Service WF (MS BizTalk – next step) Use E-signature within the prototype to automate more activities
Business Process Prototyped
Business Process Workflow Design D8 used MS Visual Studio to describe BP workflow Almost no programming Understandable for non-IT personnel Workflow is the software implementation of business process or business logic It provides: Transparency Flexibility Extensibility
MS SharePoint Server Used as: Content Management System Workflow hoster Web based forms presenter Collaboration Portal Hoster
Electronic Forms are used to Allow quick design of new forms Split data presentation from business logics Avoid unnecessary programming Electronic forms are ubiquitous Dont know where they will be used Worth solving properly InfoPath Forms Service Offers server side generation and handling of forms Users do not require InfoPath client InfoPath handles document signing activity Electronic Forms MS InfoPath 2007
Digitaly Signed Electronic Forms Might be signed by multiple persons Easy signature verification Form itself can verify the signature Signature can also be verified by automated activity (program)
Signature Verification
E-Signature Based Decision Making Activities Similarly like customers Electronic Form can be signed by banks employees involved in the decision making process Multiple employees can sign a form Workflow engine will check whether people signing the form do have a power to approve application.
General conclusions related to use of e-signature after development of the prototype Electronic Forms (InfoPath) is flexible and easy way to start using e-signature Does not require technical knowledge Does not require e-signature specific knowledge Similar e-signature based applications processing might be easily implemented for other processes (in all type of organizations – governmental, private sector) Primary use of e-signature within application processing: Contact-less application submission Interaction to various registers
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