W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Quality = Equality in Learning & Teaching
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Embedding Quality and Equality in Learning and Teaching Learning intentions ; explore the underpinning concepts of Equality and Diversity consider current college systems and procedures as they relate to Equality and Diversity reflect on the use of the Guidelines and Audit Tool to enhance the learning process identify next steps.
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Equality, diversity & inclusiveness..… Equality – developing a culture in which all individuals have clear and fair opportunities to achieve parity of outcomes, where any existing or perceived barriers are identified and removed Diversity – recognising the full range of individual identities as valuable to the development of a fair and creative culture Inclusiveness - How does the learning and teaching process promote equality, recognise and value diversity and contribute to an inclusive culture ?
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Legislation..… –Disability –Race –Gender –Age –Religion & belief –Sexual orientation
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Challenge statements……? There are some course requirements that can not be adjusted You are allowed to be homophobic if your religion demands it There are some people who should not be at colleges Asylum seekers come to the UK because its an easy living and they can get benefits 6% of Scotlands population have identified themselves as LGB Making reasonable adjustments gives some people an unfair advantage
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Challenge statements……? The college can provide separate services for single sex groups If you take a slice through a college, it should reflect the local community Atheists are protected by the Religion and Belief legislation People who come to Scotland should be prepared to integrate and respect the society they have joined A course entry requirement can state a minimum age If I do its tokenism, if I dont its Eurocentric – I cant win Political correctness has gone too far
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s The learning journey …. Curriculum design, content, learning outcomes Recruitment, course information, admissions, induction Learning, teaching & assessment Student support, learning resources Monitoring, evaluation, development A whole college approach to equality
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Quality Assurance = Equality Over prescriptive approaches to the use of quality frameworks constrains the capacity of college staff to contextualise self- evaluation reporting, or to generate holistic, innovative approaches to quality improvement. Self Evaluation Activities: –Professional Dialogue –Professional Reflection (Effective Self-evaluation Reporting in Scotlands Colleges HMIe 2007)
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Guidelines Intended to help lecturing staff produce teaching materials which recognise and address issues of discrimination and meet colleges obligations under equality legislation
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Guideline 7: Include photographs and images which reflect the diversity of people living in Scotland.
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Guideline 1 Develop teaching materials to reflect the diverse and changing nature of modern Scotland Guideline 2 Develop teaching materials which emphasise the contribution of people from diverse backgrounds to the enrichment of civic life
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Guideline 3 Ensure teaching materials do not present the Euro-centric perspective as being superior Guideline 4 Avoid stereotypical representations of people from ethnic minorities and groups who may face discrimination
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Guideline 5 Explore the difficulties encountered by people who may face discrimination without portraying them as being the problem Guideline 6 Develop materials which actively promote equality and explore opportunities to explore diverse lifestyles and abilities
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Guideline 7 Use visual material which shows the appearance of people who may face discrimination in a realistic and positive way Guideline 8 Use plain, clear language which maximises accessibility and which avoids offensive or derogatory connotations
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Guideline 9 If teaching materials have a discriminatory content (e.g.as part of an authentic text), ensure that the discrimination issues are explored and understood Guideline 10 Ensure that learning and teaching materials are accessible, readable and available in a variety of formats
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Guideline 11 Ensure that copyright law is observed in the production, copying and distribution of all materials Guideline 12 Learning and teaching materials are produced in quality formats and are updated where appropriate
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Action Plan Be aware of the possibility of discrimination in every aspects of the learning process Begin by using the Guidelines to review your own teaching materials – consider, your use of images and the accessibility of your materials Next steps: look for opportunities to embed equality in all college Quality Processes Q=E
W o r k i n g f o r S c o t l a n d s C o l l e g e s Geraldine Ratcliffe Tel: Sandy MacLean Tel: sandy.maclean Contact details