Project manager Biogas Väst Bernt Svensén Business Region Göteborg Nordic Biogas Conference Helsinki 8-10 February 2006 ”Experiences from commercialisation of biogas for vehicles in West Sweden”
18/11/ Biogas Väst TRUST – Co-operation: Volvo and City of Göteborg State investigation about biogas Existing production of biogas Existing natural gas grid History and background The founding of Biogas Väst
18/11/ Biogas Väst 7 gas filling stations 3 biogas plants 790 gas-driven vehicles A number of interested partners Political acceptance Basic conditions 2000
18/11/ Biogas Väst On local level in three cities On regional level Low interest on national level Economical commercial policy Environmental policy Political acceptance 2000
18/11/ Biogas Väst Borås, Göteborg, Trollhättan AB Volvo, FordonsGas väst, Volvo PV AB Volvo, FordonsGas väst, Volvo PV The project starts in march 2001 with co-financing from the regional authority Manager: Business Region Göteborg The founding and the participants
18/11/ Biogas Väst Represents 13 municipalities in the Göteborg region A regional company for business development A neutral and non-profit company Strong economical growth Diversity trade and industry High level of employment Head and project manager Business Region Göteborg
18/11/ Biogas Väst 150 filling stations gas-driven vehicles GWh biogas Vision 2020 The region constitutes an important link in the national infrastructure A forefront region in an European co-operation A measurable contribution to the reduction of GHG and unhealthy emissions in an European co-operation A commercial market is developed
18/11/ Biogas Väst Target filling stations gas-driven vehicles 120 GWh biogas A forefront region in an Swedish co-operation Contribute to achieve the regions environmental target A commercial market has begun
18/11/ Biogas Väst Participants in Biogas West Companies Mariestad Vara Municipalities Support by: Swedish EPA Organisations Authorities EU-project
18/11/ Biogas Väst ENGVA Swedish Gas Association SBGF BIOGAS WEST Board BiogasMax Biogas Cities BIOGAS WEST Working group Göteborg region Region Skaraborg Region Trestad Project manager Gas- group TRUST Region Sjuhärad Organisation & network
18/11/ Biogas Väst Market development Production Distribution Vehicles Purpose: To develop a new industry Comprehensive strategy for the co-operation project in Westsweden
18/11/ Biogas Väst Conditions for biogas business? How is the market? The connection between vehicle market, distribution and production of biogas ? How is the market development?
18/11/ Biogas Väst Market development – biogas chain Increased car sales and biogas sales Vehicle manufacturer and retailers Filling stations Raw material Substrate Biogas production
18/11/ Biogas Väst Market development What comes first – filling stations or vehicles 20/ / / /4000 Vehicles Filling stations
18/11/ Biogas Väst Driving forces market development for vehicles Reduced tax with 40 % for company cars* Government organisations- 75 % environ. cars State subsidies (LIP/KLIMP) for purchasing cars Free street parking in several cities Municipalities change policies for fleets* and purchasing *environmental friendly cars
18/11/ Biogas Väst Driving forces market development for biogas sales No taxes on biogas and lower taxes on CNG State subsidies (LIP/KLIMP) for investments in filling stations Increased prices for petrol and diesel
18/11/ Biogas Väst Conslusions markets development - sales of vehicle and gas 50 % increased market for gas vehicles in the second half of % increased market for CBG/CNG sales 2006 Low priority for information and marketing High priority for increased biogas production
18/11/ Biogas Väst Biogas West efforts Co-ordination – partners in the biogas chain Information and marketing to customers Feasability studies - biogas production and potential Building network on regional, national and international level
18/11/ Biogas Väst Green gas concept Filling stations next to main roads E20, E6, R 40, R45 Priority of the agriculture sector Co-operation with car-retailers – vehicles, distribution, production Strategy
18/11/ Biogas Väst Synergism biogas – natural gas BiogasplantUp grading Natural gas - Possibility to produce domestic renewable fuel for vehicles Biogas can be up graded and mixed with natural gas Biogas can be distributed in the natural gas grid
18/11/ Biogas Väst Vehicles Filling stations 25 Biogas replace 5.2 m. liter petrol Status today ton CO 2 - reduction with CBG/CNG
18/11/ Biogas Väst Estimated investments Biogas plants and infrastructure ~ m€ 40
18/11/ Biogas Väst The future – decicions and plans Up-grading plant in Göteborg 2006 Biogas plant – food industry, Lidköping Agriculture based biogas production Gasicfication plant in Göteborg 2010
18/11/ Biogas Väst The future – decicions and plans Biogas up-grading plant in Göteborg Göteborg Energi AB builds a new up- grading plant for injection into the ng-grid Put in operation autumn 2006 Capacity 60 GWh – 1600 m 3 /h Chemical absorption – no methane slip
18/11/ Biogas Väst The future – decicions and plans Agriculture based biogas production Potential in the region: - Manure: 2 TWh - Energy crops: 0,5 TWh Local biogas gas grid Farm based production
18/11/ Biogas Väst Future – decicions and plans Gasification plant in Göteborg 2010 Göteborg Energi AB plans to build a gasification plant for methanisation Commercial scale – 100 MW – based on biomass fuel Provides Rya CHP and vehicle fleets via ng-grid
18/11/ Biogas Väst International network & Biogas Cities BiogasMax – EU-project, 6th framework Co-operation agreement with Calstart, California Biogas Cities - Exchange of Best Practice Create market for biogas concept Visits: CaliforniaBelgium Greenwich/Oxford ThailandGaz de France Philippines Canada Austria Club Biogas(F) Paris Coming: RomIstanbulBeijing?
18/11/ Biogas Väst Sustainable society - Political management Exchange of Best Practice - Study visits – production, up-grading, distribution, filling stations (bus & public), vehicles - Workshops Create market for biogas concept - Production, distribution, vehicles Biogas Cities
18/11/ Biogas Väst Vision, holistic approach Long term confidence Lessons learnt Incentives are necessary initially Consider the offer from the end- customer point of view Cooperation with other cities Think globally – act locally
18/11/ Biogas Väst Bernt Svensén tel: Biogas West Thank you for your attention