To facilitate the implementation of employment equity and the communication to employees of matters relating to employment equity and diversity.
To ensure that consultation and collaboration with union representatives and equity group representatives cover all aspects and phases of the employment equity/diversity process. To participate in the preparation, implementation and revision of the local/regional employment equity plans.
T here shall be two (2) co-chairpersons, one (1) representing the union and one (1) representing management (excluded position).
A.There shall be representatives from each of the unions in the workplace: 1.The union co-chairperson shall be selected by the union representatives. (This does not preclude the rotation of the chairperson amongst the union representatives) and; 2.The union representatives shall be individuals who have demonstrated a passion to employment equity and diversity.
B.The management co-chairperson shall be at a minimum at the assistant director level.
C.There shall be representatives for each of the five (5) equity groups – namely Aboriginal Peoples, Persons with Disabilities, Women, GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered) and Racially Visible. 1.The selection of these members will be completed by the co-chairpersons or if sub-committees are in place, the members of these sub-committees will select their representatives to sit on the Committee.
D.There shall be one (1) meeting coordinator selected by the management co‑chairperson.
All parties shall endeavour to reach an agreement concerning every step of the employment equity process and the substantive decisions to be made in that process. The joint duty should include the right to equal representation on decision-making committees as well as the right to full disclosure.
The co-chairpersons shall be responsible for the following: A.In general, equal opportunities issues and; B.Co-ordinating the efforts of the Committee and; C.Ensuring that the minutes of all meetings and all relevant correspondence are issued to the members of the Committee and;
D.Providing advice to the Committee on employment equity issues and; E.Approving all official communications by the Committee and; F.Recommending the expenditure of the budget on behalf of the Committee and; G.Participating in the workforce survey (self-identification) and;
H.Reviewing and analyzing the results of the workforce analysis and; I.Conducting employment systems review and; J.Preparing and submitting the recommended employment equity action plan to the Director and; K.Monitoring the progress and the implementation of the Action Plan and;
L.Promoting and supporting employment equity and diversity awareness in the workplace as outlined in the Action Plan and; M.Participating in setting up joint labour-management information sessions on equity and diversity issues as outlined in the Action Plan and;
N.Providing an orientation session to new Committee members and; O.Including one (1) or more staffing representative(s) on the selection board for the concerned equity group.
The members of the Committee shall be responsible for the following: A.Actively participating in and promoting employment equity issues and; B.Keeping the Committee informed of their activities and; C.Participating in the workforce survey (self-identification)
D.Reviewing and analyzing the results of the workforce analysis and; E.Conducting employment systems review and; F.Preparing and submitting the recommended employment equity action plan to the Director and; G.Monitoring the progress and the implementation of the Action Plan and;
H.Promoting and supporting employment equity and diversity awareness in the workplace as outlined in the Action Plan and; I.Participating in setting up joint labour- management information sessions on equity and diversity issues as outlined in the Action Plan and; J.Providing assistance to employees with equity and diversity related issues.
The meeting coordinator shall be responsible for the following: A.All record keeping and; B.Drafting of the minutes and; C.Distributing the material/ documentation and information to all Committee members between meetings and; D.Other tasks as assigned by the co- chairpersons.
The tenure is left at the discretion of the local and regional Committee members.
Meetings shall take place during working hours. Union representatives and equity group members must be allowed work time with pay to perform their duties as a member of the Committee, including preparation for meetings. Meetings shall be held at a minimum on a quarterly basis.
Committee members shall be provided with an orientation and appropriate training on the intent and the requirements of the Employment Equity Act. Additional training shall be provided in accordance with the member’s role and responsibilities on the Committee.
Union representatives shall report to their union local executives. Management representatives shall report to their director.
The local Committee shall obtain an Employment Equity budget in order to fund local initiatives. The expenditures of these funds will be determined by the Committee members. This budget shall not be used for training purposes.
Employment Equity Act Employment Equity Regulations Employment Equity Guideline 3 (Consultation and Collaboration)
Employer policies and practice with respect to recruitment, retention, promotion, transfers, and terms and conditions of employment; Collective agreements; Wage and salary rates, benefits and classification systems;
Measures in the employment equity plan and timetables for their implementation; Results of the workforce survey, workforce analysis, and employment systems review;
All the information that the employer is reviewing in making its employment equity decisions, as well as any additional information that is necessary to formulate a position concerning equity – whether or not the employer is dealing with a particular issue at the time of the request;
Information on the design of the process for collecting information for employment equity purposes to facilitate union participation; Information concerning all of an employer’s workforce not simply the bargaining unit which the union represents.