APPEC, EU, HORIZON 2020, ESFRI Thomas Berghöfer KAT-Meeting 30. Juni 2014
An “LHC Tier unit” denotes the capability of CPU cores in 2012 and short and long term storage of 30 PBytes Overall computing requirements in astroparticle physics White paper on astroparticle physics computing almost complete
APPEC April 2015
EU, Horizon 2020: Starthilfe durch APPEC (Zeuthen, Paris) Arbeitsprogramme für 2014/15 gesetzt 2016ff in der Diskussion Welche Themen sind wichtig? Lobbyarbeit …
New ESFRI Roadmap 2016 New Roadmap will be more of a strategy document that analyses: the landscape of RIs in EU and internationally gaps in the EU RI ecosystem pan-European projects synergies with the national/regional projects synergies with existing RIs and strategies for optimal use, continuous upgrade, sustainability and end of life perspectives global research infrastructure opportunities From John Womersley’s presentation at the APPEC General Assembly, 18 June 2014, CERN
September 25 th : Roadmap update launch meeting in Trieste March 2015:Deadline for new project proposals January 2016: New roadmap published ESFRI Roadmap update soll im Zweijahres-Rythmus stattfinden Key dates
We are still finalising the proposal process but likely questions will include: Who is proposing (national delegation, EIROforum organisation)? What is the value for science? for innovation? Cost and Schedule? How it is planned to be financed? What is the strategy for siting? What is the governance model? What is the data and e-science plan? Does it replace existing facilities? Which countries support the project? Is it included on their national roadmaps? (we are thinking that at least 3 countries should support) What is the intended user community? Will it be open access? What preparatory work has been done? Design Studies? Business case? Investment plan? Is it intended to apply for H2020 preparatory phase? Proposing projects for new roadmap: