Initial Training and In-service training of career teachers and students advisors in secondary education, example of the federal province of Styria, Austria Sabine FRITZ University of Teacher Education Styria
Who am I? Teacher at University of Teacher Education Styria Worked as a teacher for 24 years in secondary education (10-14 year olds) Responsibilites: Initial training – In-service training : career advice - job orientation prevention of violence – encouraging non violent behaviour– children with special needs (behaviour) training in social competences (soft skills) polytecnical schools Initiating environmental studies/projects– sustainibility at school
Topics Profile of career teachers and student advisors survey of needs for initial training and in-service training Current topics / successful offers Networking, partners cooperating in career guidance Comparison of national strategies
In principle, career guidance in Austrian schools is organised according to a three-level model: career education lessons are provided by career teachers (providing curriculum delivery – working with the whole class – “teaching”) individual advice is provided by student advisors (individual attention to students); and both of these are supplemented by a School Psychology Service that can offer specialised assistance. The service is supplemented by classroom teachers and a wide range of other individuals and agencies outside the school context.
Quantities: approx. 150 school psychologists in Austria, not all full-time, compared to around 2,370 student advisers (one at each school ...)
Responsibilities Career teachers Student advisors Counselling: Work with all the pupils in one classroom one lesson a week (13 - and 14 year -olds) Specific topics: personality development, the world of work, various professsions... Work together with job experts Organise internship, job shadowing, trainings for students Student advisors Counselling: Work individually with students, parents, teachers... No lessons but office hours Giving advice on: Career planning Learning difficulties Behavioural and related problems Networks
Student advisors - Professional care/support Initial training for school advisors: 4-5 semesters (min 12 ECTS) at Universities of Education in the form of continuous training of teachers In - service training and update of knowledge: organised by a coordinating team on regional level (1- 3 times a year) Supported by the School Psychology Service Psychology Service: supports teachers when specific questions/problems occur in their job as well as offer co-operation in the planning of their further training on regional level.
Students advisors Initial Training: Contents Counselling techniques: Career management Dealing with challenging behaviour Learning difficulties Information on individual career possibilities, management World of work – labour market Developing career management skills Cooperation and Coordination
Students advisors – In-service training ...some examples Counselling – Job Coaching Professional development of teachers... Training on the job – Applying for a job Partners in Careerguidance (Universities, Colleges, companies, potential employers...) Cooperation with parents Dealing with behaviour Intervision - Avoiding „Burn – out“ World of work – labour market Learning strategies Intervention in case of crisis
Career teachers – Professional care/support Initial Training for career teachers: 4-6 semesters (12 – 20 ECTS) at Universities of Education in the form of continuous training of teachers Further training and update of knowledge: organised by the university of teacher education - generally offered several times a year
Career teachers - Initial Training Contents:… Teaching/methods of career councelling Everything you should know about the world of work - the labour market Competence training Working with experts of the labour market Partners in job orientation Training on the job Cooperation with parents...
Career teachers - In-service training Contents:… new developments in teaching Gender/diversity management Experts in the world of work Transition – from school to work Partners in job orientation World of work – labour market