Leiden University. The university to discover. Recent developments in Academic Publishing Open Access e-books and Enhanced Publications Janneke Adema Book and Digital Media Studies
Leiden University. The university to discover. 1)Introduction 2)Focus Points 3)Trends and Developments 4)Open Access e-books: OAPEN 5)Enhanced Publications: JALC 6)Conclusion and Questions
Leiden University. The university to discover. Focus Points - Dynamic functions, roles and collaborations - Alternative business models - Experiments with the format
Leiden University. The university to discover. Content Creation [Authors] Content Acquisition [Publishers] Quality Control [Publishers] Content Development [Publishers] Design [Publishers, Outsourced] Copy Editing [Publishers and Free-lancers] Typesetting [Typesetters] Proofreading [Publishers, Authors, Free-lancers] Warehousing and Distribution [Publishers and Distributors] Bookselling [Booksellers, Bookclubs] Printing and Binding [Printers] [Agents] [Packagers] Sales and Marketing [Publishers] Wholesaling [Wholesalers] Institutions [Libraries etc.] Consumers, Readers The Publishing Chain (Thompson, 2005)
Leiden University. The university to discover. Trends and Developments - Disintermediation - New players - What is a publisher? - New forms of (strategic) collaboration - Open Access Publishing (also for books) - Enhanced and liquid publications
Leiden University. The university to discover.
OAPEN Open Access Publishing in European Networks - Developing an OA publication model for peer reviewed academic books in Humanities and Social Sciences - Creating a large, freely available collection of current books in European languages in various fields of HSS - Duration: 30 months - Start: September 1, Consortium: 7 University Presses and 2 Universities - Coordinator: Amsterdam University Press, the Netherlands Actions undertaken under the eContentplus Programme ( ) to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable
Leiden University. The university to discover. Key objectives - To improve the accessibility, impact and relevance of European research in Humanities and Social Sciences through the promotion of OA for primary publications - To create and aggregate freely available peer reviewed HSS publications from across borders within an Online Library - To engage stakeholders in the publication process - To develop common funding models - To adopt common standards and metadata to improve retrievability and visibility of HSS publications
Leiden University. The university to discover. Main Goal OAPEN will create an Open Access publication network for publishers and other stakeholders involved in academic publishing within research in Humanities and Social Sciences.
Leiden University. The university to discover. Traditional Monographs Sales have been declining steadily since the 70s - Greco & Wharton: library purchases 70s: 1500 Now: Thompson: print runs & sales 70s: (print runs) Now: 50% < 500 – majority < 750 (sales)
Leiden University. The university to discover. Google Book Search Google Book Search has made a difference: Millions of books have moved on to the internet Books can be easily found and searched Users expect books to be online Therefore books need to be online Thousands of Publishers have joined the Google Book Search Programme
Leiden University. The university to discover. OpenBook Publishers Open Monographs: examples
Leiden University. The university to discover. Basic OA model - Hybrid: Online and Print - Basic online edition is free - Printed edition is sold - Author retains copyright - Long term availability Online - Based on repository infrastructure - Publisher seeks fee for publication of OA online edition
Leiden University. The university to discover. - Enhanced Publications in Archaeology - Open Access e-journal published by Amsterdam University Press - Collaboratory Project
Leiden University. The university to discover. Enhanced Publications An enhanced publication is a publication that is enhanced with three categories of information: (1) research data (evidence of the research) (2) extra materials (to illustrate or clarify), or (3) post-publication data (commentaries, ranking) [1] [1] [1] Saskia Woutersen–Windhouwer en Renze Brandsma, DRIVER, Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research II, July 2008, 12.
Leiden University. The university to discover. - To gain experience with the organization and technique of assembling and making available enriched publications - Collaborative project - the e-depot Nederlandse archeologie (EDNA), in cooperation with Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) and the Digitaal Productiecentrum (DPC). - The project contains work packages that address the technical, archaeological and user issues.
Leiden University. The university to discover. Conclusions and forecast - The user is central - Traditions merge with innovation - Which collaborations will be most sustainable? - Which business models will be most sustainable? - Preserve the best of the old and incorporate the possibilities of the new: stability, trust and quality
Leiden University. The university to discover. More information on both projects: