What is eLearning? E = electronic Not always distance learning Can be online-via the Internet Offline using CDROMs etc. Free standing or combined with face to face (blended learning)
The pedagogy is more important than the technology
Skills that can be developed using eLearning Cognitive skills Practical Skills Analytical skills Subject domain knowledge and understanding Transferable, interpersonal, team working and time management skills Skills of reflection and self analysis Information seeking and research skills
Advantages of using eLearning Flexibility Students can revisit concepts Work at own pace Collaborate Access to wide range of resources Present information in a variety of media Sharing of information and resources Access to just in time information
More Advantages of using eLearning Immediate feedback Automated assessment Interactivity Deliver to large groups Easy to update and re-purpose materials Improves communication Improves ICT skills staff & students Facilitates independent learning
Disadvantages of using eLearning Cost & time to develop materials Cost & time for staff development Learners need good IT & information seeking skills Formats change & become obsolete Instability of information Information overload Cost of software hardware Some students & staff are resistant Copyright issues
Tools & activities for eLearning Discussion boards Chat rooms Web conferencing WIKIs Podcasts SMS Web quests Study groups Virtual environments MUDs CDROMs/DVDs Interactive tutorials Quizzes, surveys & tests Virtual whiteboards Web Blogs
Examples of eLearning in Fashion & Textiles
Textiles Resource Guide Online
Virtual Gallery
Image board
Garment Construction
Seeing Drawing