1 Final Session SEARCH MULTIPLE RESOURCES Knowledge Assessment Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy Medline (PubMed) Cochrane Library Clinical Evidence Science–Technology–Medicine + Cited Reference Search + Journal Impact Factor
3 Searching – Finding - Appraising Enuresis (Bedwetting) in school children: Treatment options
4 CLINICAL QUESTION FOR TODAY Case 11-year old boy with enuresis (bedwetting) Urinary tract infections excluded; Frustrated with his health problem Possible treatment options: 1. Drug therapy (desmopressin) 2. Enuresis alarm 3. Combination of desmopressin + alarm? Adapated from:BMJLearning
5 BACKGROUND INFORMATION Definition of enuresis (bedwetting) Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy Search: enuresis +desmopressin +alarms
6 Enuresis – what it is about Primary nocturnal enuresis Failure to have developed bedtime bladder control Usually caused by slow maturation of the nerves that supply the bladder The child fails to awaken appropriately when the bladder fills and needs emptying. affects 30% of children at age 4, 10% at age 6, 3% at age 12, and 1% at age 18. It is more common in boys, Seems to be familial, Sometimes associated with sleep disorders.
7 FOREGROUND QUESTION Terminology enuresis; enuretic; bedwet; bedwetting drug(s); desmopressin; alarm(s)
8 PubMed Search Strategy Suggestions Step 1 enure* OR bedwet* Limits: Title Step 2 desmopressin* OR drug* OR alarm* Limits: Title Step 3 Combine searches #1 AND #2 Step 4 Limits: Ages: Child 6-12
9 PubMed Search Results (1)
10 PubMed Search Results (2) All: 224 Reviews: 25 8 Cochrane Reviews of randomized controlled trials
12 Combination treatment Drugs + alarms
13 Professional Databases with Critically Appraised Topics Clinical Evidence (fee) Systematic reviews Question(s) Option(s) Grades of evidence Beneficial Likely beneficial Trade off between benefit and harm Unknown effectiveness Unlikely beneficial Etc.
14 Clinical Evidence Interventions: Questions
16 CRITICAL APPRAISAL „Bibliometric Criteria“ Multidisciplinary database WEB OF KNOWLEDGE Which journal was it written in? „Impact Factor“ = journal quality Additional resources Journal Citation Reports (part of WoS) Who wrote the article? Was the article cited by other articles? Web of Science (part of WoK) Science Citation Index (tool)
17 WEB OF SCIENCE Multidisciplinary Database Palacky University Authorized Access at: Search Cited Reference Search Journal Citation Reports
18 Which journal was it published in ? Journal Impact Factor Additional Resources – Journal Citation Reports Cited author(s): Naitoh Y et al. Article title: Combination therapy with alarm and drugs for monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis not superior to alarm monotherapy.. Cited work: Urology Publication Year: 2005 Volume/Issue: 660/3 Pagination:
19 Search for a specific journal ….. Urology
20 Urology Impact Factor 2005 = 2.139
21 Urology Impact Factor Calculation Calculation Number of articles published in: 2004 = = 599 Sum: 1183 Number of cites in 2005 to articles published in: 2004 = = 1634 Sum: 2531 Cites to articles 2531 Number of articles 1183 = Impact factor
22 Was article cited by other articles? Science Citation Index (SCI) CITED REFERENCE SEARCH Cited author(s): Naitoh Y et al. Article title: Combination therapy with alarm and drugs for monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis not superior to alarm monotherapy.. Cited work: Urology Publication Year: 2005 Volume/Issue: 660/3 Pagination:
25 MORE ABOUT BIBLIOMETRICS Introduced in 1960s …„application of mathematical and statistical methods to books and other media of communication“
26 INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION & ITS FOUNDER Eugene Garfield. Ph.D. 1951 career in scientific communication and information science 1960 founded ISI President, The Scientist.
27 SCIENCE CITATION INDEX (SCI) has become the most generally accepted source of bibliometrics. Citations became a widely used measure of the impact of scientific publications as signposts left behind after information has been utilized.
28 CRITICAL APPRAISAL In general Technique, skill Increasing effectiveness of your reading Excluding poorly designed studies Helping decide which articles could influence your daily work which are unsuitable.