Our Deliverer & Captain of Our Salvation Jesus Christ in Joshua Our Deliverer & Captain of Our Salvation
O.T. Examples Physical Bondage Crossing Red Sea Mt. Sinai Wilderness Physical Kingdom Moses Children of Israel J o R r i d v a e n r Mt. Sinai Promised Land Wilderness Wanderings R S e e d a Nourished on Manna Bondage in Egypt Old Law Canaan O.T. Examples Physical Bondage Crossing Red Sea Mt. Sinai Wilderness Jerusalem
N.T. Examples Spiritual Bondage Blood of Christ Mt. Zion Church in World Church (Holy City) Spiritual Kingdom Christ Mankind S e C c o o m n i d n g Mt. Zion B l o d (Church) Wilderness of Sin Promised Land Nourished by the Word Bondage in Sin Heaven New Law
O.T. Examples N.T.Examples Symbolism Physical Kingdom Moses Children of Israel J o R r i d v a e n r Mt. Sinai Promised Land Wilderness Wanderings R S e e d a Bondage in Egypt Nourished on Manna Old Law Canaan Spiritual Kingdom Christ Mankind S e C c o o m n i d n g Mt. Zion B l o d (Church) Wilderness of Sin Promised Land Nourished by the Word Bondage in Sin Heaven New Law O.T. Examples N.T.Examples Symbolism Physical Bondage Spiritual Bondage Great Tribulation Crossing Red Sea Blood of Christ First Resurrection Mt. Sinai Mt. Zion Lamb on Mt. Zion Wilderness Church in World 1000Year Reign Jerusalem Church (Holy City) New Jerusalem
Wilderness Wanderings Gentile Nations PHYSICAL KINGDOM ISRAEL Moses 10 Commandments R e d S a Canaan Chosen People Mount Sinai Israelites J o r d a n Wilderness Wanderings 40Years Nourished on Manna Egyptian Bondage Promised Land
Joshua A Type of Jesus Christ Hebrew--òÇeLBäé--Savior Greek--EÉçóï™ò --Savior Canaan—Promised Land, Heaven Heaven—Promised Eternal Home Commander of God’s People Head of God’s People— The Church Led God’s People into Canaan Leads God’s People to Heaven God’s Communicator to His People His Word is Final Authority For God’s People Beginning of Blessings in Promised Land Beginning of Spiritual Blessings
Joshua A Type of Jesus Christ Jericho’s Wall Fall by Faith & Works Salvation by Faith & Works Subdued All Enemies All Enemies To Be Subdue Already Conquered Greatest Captain of Israel Captain of Our Salvation Gave People Possession of Land Obedient Given Possession of Heavenly Canaan Leader of One Nation Head Over Church and Those In All Nations Who Obey Him