Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning Dialog with EU - The voices of the European citizens Presentation of the project 162826-EFC-1-2009-1-RO-EFC-CP.


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Presentation transcript:

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning Dialog with EU - The voices of the European citizens Presentation of the project EFC RO-EFC-CP

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning The project aims Project start date: 01 /01 /2010 Project end date: 31 /12/2010  This project aims thus at empowering citizens with the necessary knowledge and civic competences to express their opinions on issues like the European integration process or the EU policies and their impact by involving them in a series of activities where they will learn what mechanisms the EU makes available for them to give their opinions (forums, opinion polls, etc.). This will be achieved by means:  30 national seminars (6 in each of the 5 partner countries)  3 international conferences  2 national conferences

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning PARTNERS 1.Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta (Romanian Soiety for Lifelong Learning) - coordinators 2.Ballybeen Women’s Centre 3.Institut Arbeit und Technik, FH Gelsenkirchen 4.Kendro Merimnas Oikoyenias kai Pediou 5.AKLUB Centrum vzdělávání a poradenství

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning Workpackages 1.Project management 2.Start-up phase 3.Needs analysis at the level of the target groups 4.Preparation of awareness raising activities 5.Implementation of the awareness raising activities (6 in each country) 6.Preparation and implementation national and international conferences 7.Production of project deliverables 8.Dissemination and valorisation of the project

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning The main results

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning 1. Needs analysis report It will be developed after collecting the 5 reports developed on the 5 target groups. The report of the analysis will contain similarities and differences in the 5 analyses.

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning Awareness raising activities (1)  6 in each of the 5 partner countries  to make the citizens familiar with the institutions and policies of the EU, but also with the means they have at their disposal to express their opinions and send their points of view to the politicians at European level.  At the same time they will be familiarized with the online interaction tools: forums, websites, platforms, blogs, as well as with useful Internet addresses where they can express their opinions. Target group: citizens of different ages and professions Many of these activities will take place in disadvantaged areas it is known that the access to information is restricted for the citizens living there (villages, economically and socially disadvantaged areas, etc.).

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning 30 Awareness raising activities (2)  The main themes covered by these activities will be: European values, European culture and diversity, European policies, the role of active citizenship, the role of informal education for European citizenship, etc.  The themes will be better outlined after the needs analysis when the strategy will be defined according to the needs of each country.

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning 3. National and international conferences The national and international conferences will include round table debates that represent other mechanisms to allow citizens to express their opinions and presentation of papers on the themes of the conference. National conferences: Belfast, UK – may 2010 Krnov, Czech Republic – september 2010 International conferences: Athens, Greece – february 2010 Gelsenkirchen, Germany – june 2010 Bucharest, Romania – november 2010

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning Themes of the conferences Conference 1:  European policies  European Union: past and perspectives  Active citizenship: realities and desiderata  The role of informal education in the European society Conference 2:  The European Constitution – A challenge between past and Future  European values  European diversity: an advantage or a disadvantage?  The role of informal education in the European society Conference 3:  Intercultural dialog  European projects for disadvantaged citizens  Volunteering actions: involvement and results  European institutions and citizens

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning 4. Conference CD 5 CDs of the conferences will contain all the materials presented during the conferences and it will represent itself a useful material for those interested in the themes of the conferences.

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning 5. Booklet of the project (EN, DE, GR, RO, CZ) it will contain the relevant opinions of the participants in the 5 conferences, the good practices that happened during the project implementation. Copies of the booklet will be distributed during the dissemination events, national and international conferences, but also after the end of the project, as good practices.

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning 6. The website of the project (EN, DE, GR, RO, CZ)  The website of the project has as target group the large public. It will contain information on: the theme of the project and the target groups, objectives, products and results, but also other interesting information for the target group and large public.

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning 7. CD of the project  It will comprise the positive experiences and opinions of the participants during the events organized in the project in order to be able to share good practices in relation to the theme and activities of the project.  The CD will be developed in a friendly and interesting format for professionals but also for the target group.