University of Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina Flag: Capital city: Sarajevo Nicknames: Jerusalem of Europe, Jerusalem of the Balkans, Rajvosa Population: (August 2011) Famous by: Ćevapćići, Olympic Games 1984, War Universities in Sarajevo: One (1) public and four (4) privates COUNTRY AND CITY PROFILE
UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO - PROFILE University of Sarajevo is the lead university in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one of the leading universities in the region. This is the first university in Bosnia and Herzegovina, originally established in 1543 by Ottoman Turks, with the modern university being re-established in 1940s.
Our Mission: To build a strong and autonomous academic community integrated into European and international university networks. Our Goals: Improving the quality of study Increasing students and teachers’ mobility Ensuring academic staff development Strengthening international cooperation Developing lifelong learning and distance learning courses UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO - PROFILE
International Cooperation: With over 90 cooperation agreements with universities around the globe, membership in important international organizations, and a number of international degree programs, the University of Sarajevo expects to intensify research cooperation and mobility for both students and staff. UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO - PROFILE
ARTS Academy of Fine Arts Academy of Performing Arts Music Academy HUMANITIES Faculty of Sports and Physical Education Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of Educational Sciences Faculty of Islamic Sciences* Faculty of Catholic Theology* MEDICAL SCIENCES Faculty of Health Studies Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Dental Medicine with Clinics Faculty of Veterinary Medicine NATURAL SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS AND BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics Faculty of Forestry SOCIAL SCIENCES School of Economics and Business Faculty of Political Sciences Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies Faculty of Law Faculty of Public Administration* TECHNICAL SCIENCES Faculty of Architecture Faculty of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Transport and Communication Faculty of Civil Engineering Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO – MEMBERS AND STUDY FIELDS
FACULTY OF FACULTY OF POLITICAL SCIENCES SARAJEVO The Faculty of Political Sciences, was founded in 1961, making it one of BiH’s oldest public academic research institutions in the field of the social sciences. The Faculty has five teaching departments: Political Studies, Sociology, Communication Studies, Security and Peace Studies, and Social Work. The Faculty of Political Sciences offers students a solid basis for the professional abilities they will require for their careers in various government bodies and institutions, corporations, the media, cultural and education institutions, and further studies here or at similar faculties. For more than twenty years, the Faculty has also been actively engaged in the advancement of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina and has made an invaluable contribution to strengthening the country’s identity and culture. In addition to its educational mission the Faculty of Political Sciences will continue to manifest its commitment to the idea of common living, multicultural values and universal civilizational norms. POLITICAL SCIENCES
Teaching departments within the Faculty: Political Science Studies Sociology Communication and Media Studies Security and Peace Studies Social Work Organizational units of the Faculty: Teaching unit Academic research unit Publications unit Professional and administrative affairs UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO - PROFILE
Faculty of Political Sciences in numbers: FORMED: 1961 DEPARTMENTS: 5 STUDENTS: 4,500 ACADEMIC STAFF: 65 full time and over 40 adjunct TOTAL GRADUATES: over 10,500 COURSES TAUGHT: over 130 UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO - PROFILE