Engaging with Commissioning Heidi Bellamy - Director, Culture First Fiona Marriott - Adult Services Manager, Luton Culture.


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Presentation transcript:

Engaging with Commissioning Heidi Bellamy - Director, Culture First Fiona Marriott - Adult Services Manager, Luton Culture

New support tools Engaging in Commissioning is a practical resource pack produced by the LGA, c CLOA, Sport England and the Arts Council It aims to: Help the sector engage with other public services through commissioning To bring sport and culture to more people Contribute to better outcomes for individuals and communities

The commissioning cycle Review Analyse Do Plan

What outcomes do commissioners want? Primary prevention and re-ablement Personalisation – more choice for individuals Public Health and health inequalities Wellbeing - social networks, volunteering, addressing social determinants of health Attainment and skills Raising aspirations, self-esteem and self-confidence Narrowing the gap for looked after children Supporting troubled families - more joined up solutions Physical health & mental well-being

Will this lead to more money coming in? Possibly About relationships and not transactions About better outcomes for communities About seeing the world from a commissioners perspective About better strategic conversations, profile and positioning

10 Lessons learned about commissioning 1.Engage in the process, starting from a sophisticated understanding of need 2.Engage as a strategic player and creative partner– not just as a provider 3.All about better outcomes for communities and individuals – understand the differing levels of outcomes that commissioners are striving for 4.All about developing relationships with commissioners with other providers with the wider sector and not just about transactions

Lessons learned cont….. 5.Service design – universal, targeted, personalised 6.Articulating our offer – clarity of outcomes and impact Commissioners are also looking for innovation 7.Evidence of outcomes 8.Understand the cost benefit ratios – to demonstrate value for money and reduced dependency on other services 9.How the sector organises itself and communicates in the commissioning context 10.Go for some best bets

Reduced health inequalities An environment where health and well-being is supported Increased personalisation, and healthier lifestyle choices Reduction in the number of people suffering from preventable conditions Higher quality of life for older people More children and young people have a healthy lifestyle Increased mental health resilience More communities developing, co-designing and delivering culture and sport More people manage their care needs through self- help Increased access locally to culture and sport programmes Increased participation by adults in culture and sport Overarching Strategic Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Service Outcomes Outcomes Framework More people happier with their positive lifestyle choices Culture and sport contributing to the economic vitality of communities Culture and sport positively impacting on the lives of vulnerable children and young people Health & Well-being Outcomes Triangle

Lets do it – step by step Self-assessment – what is your current position? Step one: Make a plan Step two: Understand the commissioning process Step three: Whos who in commissioning? Step four: Map the commissioning landscape Step five: Ways in to the process Step six: Review and reflect

Community Based Cultural Activities for Elderly People Luton Borough Council and Luton Culture's Pilot Project 2012/13

Background to the Project Charitable status – facilitates external funding Health and Wellbeing agenda Personalisation New client group – elderly and vulnerable Consultation with clients Logistical issues Training and cultural issues

Outcomes The following outcomes were established for participants in the project: Reduced social isolation Improved mental health Increased opportunities for communication Improved self confidence and self esteem Development of new knowledge and skills

Activities Provided Arts and Craft Music and Movement Read Aloud Tea and Talk Reminiscence Film Matinees Christmas Party

Volunteer Support 1-2 people needed for each session Had to commit to a number of sessions Had to be able to communicate well and empathise Emphasis on listening skills, valuing peoples lives and experiences Helped people participate in activities Didnt deal with clients personal needs

Issues Encountered Lack of customer turnover Cultural differences between organisations Preparation time Transport Organisational change Temperature Refreshments

Feedback from Customers I feel more confident when out and about. I felt happier, enjoyed getting to know people, talking helped me. Activities got me moving; music played got me into a dancing mood and uplifted my spirits It calmed me down and helped my concentration Communication was very good, I made new friends, I looked forward to it each week Going out, doing different things and meeting different people makes you feel good.

Sustainability Business case submitted for future funding from the council Interest from several care homes and providers, has stimulated the market Potential funding through the Arts Council for care homes Interest from the Wellcome Trust for clinical research and establishing a model.

Discussion What opportunities are there in your local area? What aspects might you draw on from the Luton Culture example ? How will you communicate your offer, and who could you collaborate with?

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