Back The process that powers the sun (and all stars) is Ques. #1 (Nuclear) fusion Ans.
Luminosity is the brightness of a star independent of its Back Ques. #2 Ans. Distance
What is a nebula? Back Ques. #3 Ans. A cloud of gas & dust in space
According to the Doppler effect, what happens to the wavelengths of light emitted by an object approaching the Earth? Back Ques. #4 Ans. The wavelengths decrease (are shifted towards the blue end of the specturm.
If it takes the Earth the same amount of time to move from location A to B as it does to move from C to D, what do you know about the shaded areas 1 & 2 Back Ques. #5 Ans. Areas 1 & 2 are equal
What is the maximum possible eccentricity of an ellipse and what name is given to an ellipse with that eccentricity? Back Ques. #6 Maximum e is 1. An ellipse whose e =1 is a line. Ans.
What star is about the same temperature as our sun but is more than 100 times more luminous Back Ques. #7 Ans. Polaris
3 part question: If an object is moving away from the earth tell what will happen to each of the following: a) The wavelengths of light emitted b) The gravitational attraction c) The apparent diameter Back Ques. #8 Ans. a) longer (red shifted) b) weaker (decreased) c) smaller
State the relationship between a planets distance from the sun and its orbital velocity. Back Ques. #9 Ans. As distance increases, orbital velocity decreases
Distance CD is 48. Distance AB is 12. What is e? Ques. #10 Back Ans. e = 0.25
What term describes the system shown in the diagram? Back Ques. #11 Ans. Geocentric
At what rate does the Earth rotate? Back Ques. #12 Ans. 15°/hr
What is the name of our galaxy? Back Ques. #13 Ans. The Milky Way
Name any evidence that supports the Big Bang theory. Back Ques. #14 Ans. 1) Background radiation 2) Expanding universe as evidenced by red shift
What event is shown in the diagram? Back Ques. #15 Ans. A solar eclipse
On which planet is a day (1 rotation) longer than a year (1 revolution)? Back Ques. #16 Ans. Venus
What event is shown in the diagram? Back Ques. #17 Ans. A lunar eclipse
The solid lines are star trails which record the nightly paths of stars around Polaris. How many hours are represented by these trails? Back Ques. #18 Ans. 4 hours
What is the time at location B? Back Ques. #19 Ans. 8 AM
What is the phase when the moon is at position 1? Back Ques. #20 Ans. New moon
How far is it from Saturn to Neptune? Back Ques. #21 Ans km
How long does it take the moon to complete one set of phases (from new moon to new moon)? Back Ques. #22 Ans days
What kind of tides are produced by this arrangement of the sun, moon and earth? Back Ques. #23 Ans. Neap tides
What term describes this cloud of gas and dust in space? Back Ques. #24 Ans. Nebula
About how old is Jupiter? Back Ques. #25 Ans. About 4.6 billion years old
Which number represents the only possible position of the moon during a lunar eclipse? Back Ques. #26 Ans. Position 5
Approximately how much time goes by between high and low tides at any location on Earth? Back Ques. #27 Ans. Just over 6 hours
What name is given to electromagnetic energy with a wavelength of 0.005cm? Back Ques. #28 Ans. Infra red
Explain why you see different constellations (stars) in the winter than you do in the summer. Back Ques. #29 Ans. The earth moves 186 million miles (around the sun) from its summer to its winter position so that we are looking at very different parts of the sky.
Why does the apparent diameter of the sun (as seen from earth) change throughout the year? Back Ques. #30 Ans. The earths orbit is an ellipse. Sometimes were closer so the sun appears larger. Sometimes were farther away so the sun appears smaller.
YOURE A WINNER! The orbit of the Earth is a slightly eccentric ellipse