Teacher-Librarians: Your Partners in Inclusive Teaching and Learning Brenda Dillon Brenda.Dillon@dpcdsb.org Philip Pocock Catholic Secondary School Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board Session 6 Bridges to Learning 2010
Agenda Introduction Inclusive Teaching and Learning Next Steps Your Speaker School Libraries Teacher - Librarians Inclusive Teaching and Learning Students and Programs In the School Library Support for the Classroom Program Educational Leadership Next Steps
Introduction Your Speaker Experience Qualifications Interest before teaching, at Faculty, classroom experience, library TL, September 1996 – present Qualifications B.A., B.Ed. O.T.C., A.Q Specialists, Librarianship & Special Education, M.Ed. in Teacher - Librarianship Interest driving passion of my work as TL has been – and is - creation of an inclusive School Library (although focus has been PIP)
School Libraries OSLA Policy Statement on School Library Information Centres core of a lifelong learning community teacher - librarians and teachers collaborating traditional and emerging literacies linkages and partnerships (OSLA, “Statement”)
Teacher - Librarians OSLA Position Statement on the Role of the Teacher - Librarian Curriculum Development and Leadership Information Management Collaborative Program Planning and Teaching (OSLA, “Position) Ontario TLs certified teachers with classroom experience who’ve taken AQ Librarianship courses, 3 parts (minimum part 1 necessary)
Inclusive Teaching and Learning Programs and Students In the School Library Support for the Classroom Program Educational Leadership
Programs and Students academic streams / levels Academic / University Applied / College Essential or Locally Developed / Workplace Open, Mixed special education programs / placements GLE (resource / learning skills class) PIP (for students with developmental disabilities, usually divided into Needs Severe and Needs Moderate groupings) Communication Program (for students with severe language impairments, including ASD) other (varies from school to school)
English as a Second Language (ESL) levels A through E ESL – term used for class / program ELL (English Language Learners) – term used for students Support programs Credit Recovery, Alternative Education specialized programs e.g. Elite Athlete varies from school to school
In the School Library: Program You are welcome @ your library Reading and Learning @ your library Job Skills Development @ your library
You are welcome @ your library This program provides: introduction to the School Library opportunity to develop library use skills opportunity to learn about school computer network opportunity to develop basic computer skills
Orientation one period introduction to School Library (e.g. staff, facility, collection) basic information (e.g. circulation, computer use, rules) computer exploration, Word basics step – by – step written instructions, assistance as needed, work in pairs (peer support), variety, immediate feedback (online quiz) adapted for GLE, Locally Developed, ESL A / B
Becoming a Library User includes adapted Orientation as well as basic skills lessons and ongoing reinforcement appropriate behaviour vocabulary library use skills (e.g. signing out and returning books) two – fold goal learn to use School Library transfer skills to public library – life skill, leisure activity…
Reading and Learning @ your library School Library goals include: developing literacy skills developing love of reading creating culture of literacy / reading helping students learn research / inquiry skills helping students develop critical thinking skills helping students become life – long, self – directed learners
Reading picture book read - alouds, with activities collaborative novel studies assistance with personal book selections book talks Orca Challenge Subject – related fiction (e.g. A Novel Approach to History) Book Club (student, staff) OLA Forest of Reading (White Pine, Golden Oak)
Research & Inquiry one period introduction to high school research / inquiry for grade nine students one period introduction to academic honesty for grade nine students (so I see every grade 9 student for a total of 3 periods for “Orientation+”) adapted sessions (e.g. For ESL students) ongoing instruction & support (individual & whole – class, e.g. citation lessons) research projects (various levels of TL / SLIC involvement, from Pathfinder to collaborative development / team teaching / shared evaluation) weekly information literacy program for Communication class
Job Skills Development @ your library This program provides selected students an opportunity to: learn basic job skills gain job experience get reference(s) to use when job hunting earn volunteer hours or co-op credit
Workplace Experience @ your library students in PIP (and maybe Communication) non – credit basic job skills (e.g. attendance, punctuality, accountability, following schedule, following instructions, completing tasks) appropriate work behaviour and social skills literacy and numeracy goal is preparation for Workplace Experience placement outside school
Student Library Clerks Program interested students apply while we do need competent, independent students, we also save some spaces for less able students assigned tasks vary according to ability opportunity to earn volunteer hours opportunity to gain job experience can ask for reference
Co – Op Education Students offer placement to students interested in teaching or librarianship credit - bearing
In the School Library: Collection Development goal - meet both academic and personal needs of all members of school community consider variety of formats to meet needs / learning preferences (e.g. print, audio, visual,…) consider accessibility (e.g. MP3 files in Gale) consider reading levels World Book Student Discovery Encyclopedia primary and high / low non - fiction picture books pre - chapter books (e.g. DK Readers) Junior novels high / low fiction (e.g. Orca Soundings) consider non – book materials (e.g. puzzles, posters) consider making / publishing in - house
Support for the Classroom Program collaboration is essential element in creation of inclusive school library variety of resources to support differentiated instruction collaborative planning, teaching, assessment and evaluation ideally, library program is developed collaboratively with, and fully integrated into, classroom programs most helpful if TL can be part of team working with students
Educational Leadership Teacher – Librarians are experienced teachers Teacher – Librarians have cross - grade, cross – curricular perspective So, Teacher – Librarians can: help with ideas for teaching strategies, activities, materials, etc. (e.g. literature circles) model effective teaching serve as mentors provide leadership with regard to in - service / professional development (e.g. Learning Partners)
Next Steps speak with your Teacher – Librarian consider joining The Inclusive School Libraries wiki http://inclusiveschoollibraries.wikispaces.com Work in progress – check back! Want to post? Contact me. welcome to contact me for information, files become an advocate for school libraries / Teacher-Librarians
Works Consulted Ontario School Library Association. OSLA Policy on School Library Information Centre and the Role of the Teacher – Librarian. OLA, 1996. 12 May 2010 <http://www.accessola.com/osla/bins/content_page.asp? cid=630-636-660>.