We'll begin at the top of the hour. In the meantime, please use the flipchart for some informal conversation as people gather. You might begin by typing your name and location into the white space at the bottom of the box. A friendly reminder: you were invited to reflect on a time when you exercised exceptional leadership and come tonight prepared to describe that. Notes & recording from last week: notes Session Four: Leadership If you can see this, you're connected correctly!
Introductions Re-introducing the presenters Opening Prayer
Today's Agenda Leadership Four leadership domains Critical capacities for leadership Tending the flame of expectation
Small group discussion (5 mins) Please introduce yourselves to each other (name, location, brief description of your congregation) Describe a time when you exercised exceptional leadership. What worked? Why?
Leadership How do we facilitate emergence? You facilitate emergence by creating a learning culture, by encouraging continual questioning and rewarding innovation. In other words, leadership means creating conditions, rather than giving directions. Above all, facilitating emergence means building up and nurturing a network of conversations with feedback loops. The first step toward this goal might be loosening the designed structures and thereby creating more flexibility. Fritzof Capra
Fundamental State of Leadership Dr. Robert E. Quinn Professor of Business Administration at Michigans Ross School of Business From Comfort Centered Toward Results Oriented
Fundamental State of Leadership Dr. Robert E. Quinn Professor of Business Administration at Michigans Ross School of Business From Comfort Centered Toward Results Oriented From Externally Directed Toward Internally Directed
Fundamental State of Leadership Dr. Robert E. Quinn Professor of Business Administration at Michigans Ross School of Business From Comfort Centered Toward Results Oriented From Externally Directed Toward Internally Directed Internally closed toward Externally Open
Fundamental State of Leadership Dr. Robert E. Quinn Professor of Business Administration at Michigans Ross School of Business From Comfort Centered Toward Results Oriented From Externally Directed Toward Internally Directed Internally closed toward Externally Open Self Focused Toward Other Focused
Small Group Conversation Thinking about the example of exceptional leadership you described earlier, how did it reflect one of these four states of leadership? From Comfort Centered Toward Results Oriented From Externally Directed Toward Internally Directed Internally closed toward Externally Open Self Focused Toward Other Focused
Four Leadership Qualities Love: are you coming from your heart in all you do?
Four Leadership Qualities Love: are you coming from your heart in all you do? Conviction: are you persuaded that what you are doing yourself and as a church is important?
Four Leadership Qualities Love: are you coming from your heart in all you do? Conviction: are you persuaded that what you are doing yourself and as a church is important? Hope: do you have a positive image of the future, & are you willing to embody that here and now?
Four Leadership Qualities Love: are you coming from your heart in all you do? Conviction: are you persuaded that what you are doing yourself and as a church is important? Hope: do you have a positive image of the future, & are you willing to embody that here and now? Unitive Consciousness: do you feel yourself to be a sacred expresssion of the Divine Mind and Heart, and one with the evolving cosmos?
Small Group Discussion Choose one of these, and discuss what strengthens this capacity in you. Love: are you coming from your heart in all you do? Conviction: are you persuaded that what you are doing yourself and as a church is important? Hope: do you have a positive image of the future, & are you willing to embody that here and now? Unitive Consciousness: do you feel yourself to be a sacred expresssion of the Divine Mind and Heart, and one with the evolving cosmos?
The Road to Emmaus
Small Group Discussion What is the unique future that needs me in order to emerge? Complete the following verse from Isaiah that Jesus used for his own mission statement: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to…
Closing Prayer
Evaluation Please write to the flip chart and tell us how you found this event. How do you respond to: The format The technology The content We are considering doing another web-workshop this way in the Fall. What might work for you, in terms of: Topic Time of day Day of week