Designed and Presented By Dr. Cal LeMon, Executive Enrichment, Inc. CASTO State Conference San Diego, California
I cannot believe you look this amazing…after last night!
Every morning the gazelle wakes and knows that he must run faster than the tiger or he will be eaten. Every morning the tiger wakes up and knows he must run faster than the gazelle or he will starve. Every morning the tiger wakes up and knows he must run faster than the gazelle or he will starve. It doesnt matter if you are a tiger or a gazelle, you better start running. -- Attributed to the CEO of Home Depot It doesnt matter if you are a tiger or a gazelle, you better start running. -- Attributed to the CEO of Home Depot
Machines are the new proletariat…The working class is being given its walking papers. -- Jacque Attali Machines are the new proletariat…The working class is being given its walking papers. -- Jacque Attali
More than 800 million human beings are now unemployed or underemployed in the world.
Today, less than 17% of the workforce is engaged in blue collar work. Today, less than 17% of the workforce is engaged in blue collar work.
Every living thing expends energy and will do whatever is needed to preserve itself, including changing. --Leadership and The New Science Every living thing expends energy and will do whatever is needed to preserve itself, including changing. --Leadership and The New Science
How the Mighty Fall by Jim Collins How the Mighty Fall by Jim Collins
Hubris Born of Success
Undisciplined Pursuit of More
Denial of Risk and Peril
Grasping for Salvation
Capitulation to Irrelevance or Death
Obsolescence Obsolescence is process and product becoming irrelevant as a result of a sudden paradigm shift.
Moores Law Gordon E. Moore, The number of transistors placed on an integrated circuit will double every two years. (1971).
What is obsolete in your pupil transportation operation that you need to eliminate?
Competition is a Reality Pupil transportation is an international business
At least 3.3 million white-collar jobs and $136 billion in wages will shift from the U.S. to countries like India, China and Russia by Forrester Research
What is Not Foreign about Competition Technology has made it possible to shop in Hong Kong in the morning, Stockholm in the afternoon and Wichita in the evening.
The Price is Always Right The globe has become a small place where financial opportunity crosses cultural lines.
In a typical year, about 100 million people worldwide go online for health and medical information and visit more than 23,000 medical web sites. -- Wall Street Journal
What is the name of the organization meeting in a hotel ballroom (like this) strategizing how to get your pupil transportation business?
Imprinting and Pupil Transportation The Conceptual Age is your ability to create a new mental construct about the advantages of pupil transportation
Consensus Map
95 – 5 Split Subconscious Conscious
6-10 Rule For every 10 people who say they will complain, 6 will never show up. For every 10 people who say they will complain, 6 will never show up.
3-11 Rule For every satisfied customer, he/she will tell 3 other people. For every dissatisfied customer, he/she will tell 11 other people. For every satisfied customer, he/she will tell 3 other people. For every dissatisfied customer, he/she will tell 11 other people.
The customers evaluation of service is more important than your own. The customers evaluation of service is more important than your own.
What is the consensus map of your customersthe people who entrust their children to your safe traveling business?
The only choice you have for chaos is to leverage it
Kissing-off what does not work is your greatest challenge
Remove that will never work from your vocabulary
Refuse to embrace arrogance as a personal defense mechanism
Talk with your customers, the children in those seats, and listen to their dreams
Talk with someone today about why your pupil transportation work is more than a job