1 Mid-term Pe352 Tim Hopper, 2002
2 Summary Chart CommandPracticeReciprocalSelf-checkInclusion Description DirectDemon. practice session Student feedback to peer Analyze performance to criteria Perform task at desired level Strength Quick Efficient Student impact stage. Own level Individual feedback Continuous feedback Partner learn by observing Develop social skills Learner self diagnoses. Independ- ence practice. More likely retain cues Learner level Choice Mass participation Maximize improvement Implications One level Teacher tied up Able to do task. Adapt task to learner. Students not challenged Feedback may not be accurate Teacher gives up control Student needs basic proficiency in skill. Complexity of skill break down Student may not assess own ability Peer pressure Safety
3 Areas BC IRP aim, movement categories and curriculum organizers Characteristics, purpose and type of effective warm-ups Teaching styles from A to E in detail General sense of teaching styles F to H Content Analysis and Task Progression
4 Sample question 1. What is the axiom behind the Spectrum of Teaching Styles?(1) 2. What are the potential strengths of a reciprocal style of teaching? (3) 3. What is a learning objective? (1)
5 1. Teaching is a chain of decision making (1) 2. Repeated practice with observer Practice without pressure form teacher Observer gets extra practice analyzing skill (transfer to own skill performance) (3) 3. A prior statement of what students will learn (1)
6 Unit Plan Content Analysis, Task progression, Block Plan
7 Diversity Issues - How are they different? Gender ratio Ability range Cultural groups UNIQUE Children with Special Educational needs How will diversity add to your unit?
8 Content analysis What content will you teach? Subject-matter (motor skills needed) Conceptual understanding Personal/social behaviour What procedures and routines will happen during your unit? (often connect to personal/social curriculum organizer) Link to resources PE452 beginning units PE352 ten-lesson units
9 Conceptual understanding PURPOSE to learning What progressively gives meaning to the skills you use in gradually more challenging environments. Tennis? Dance? Track and Field?
10 Phases of a skill (PE 341) Preparatory phase Wind-up phase (set-up) Force producing phase Follow-through and/or recovery phase (Carr, 1997)
11 Tennis Positioning Consistency Placement Spin & Power Hierarchical Task Analysis SERVE Under-arm throw Over-arm throwing action (no racquet). Under-arm serve - feet side on, ball hit in front of leading foot. Serve action with racquet no ball - arm action, back scratch racquet hand, shoulder back, reach up, swing and follow- through Toss ball and serve in small court Serve action to target.
Basic Task Model Task
13 Dance Key concepts Rhythm Beat Flow Adapt to partner Spirit of the dancer Jive progression Steps - Basic pattern, turn, slide, washing dishes, slide.
14 In your selected sport List Concepts Motor Skills
15 Task Progression Series of 3 or 4 tasks Refinements - cues Simplifications Extensions Application activity.
16 Block Plan – Badminton Gr 8 Other formats could be used - See Pe452
17 How to develop your unit plan? 1. Sport 2. Age 3. Games/Activities 4. Possible Sequence for unit 5. Task progression, concepts and skill cues 6. Outcomes – teaching styles?