Tense in citation Source: Weissberg, R., & Buker, S. (1990). Writing up research: Experimental research report writing for students of English. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.
Information prominent citations Information prominent citations, weak author prominent citation, and general statements are usually written at the beginning of stage II.
Present tense Information Prominent: Reporting facts Topic + Verb + facts + Reference Nutrient resorption is a common phenomenon in the forest trees (Kramer, 1979)
Present perfect Weak Author Prominent: Several Authors Authors + Verb + Topic + Reference Several researchers have studied the relationship between classroom adjustment and mobility (Madsen, 1980; Biggs, 1983; Randall, 1985)
Present perfect General Statement: Level of Research Activity Level + Verb (present perfect) + Topic Little research has been done on topic development in ESL students composition.
Author prominent citations Later in Stage II or in the literature review section, author prominent citations are used to report the findings of individual studies closely related to the present research.
Past tense Author+reference+ verb of report +That +Findings Allington (1983) found that teachers allocated showed equal time to all groups. reported noted observed
Literature Review Citation form Beginning citation: Information prominent Weak author prominent General statements Later citations: Author prominent Tense Simple present And Present perfect Simple past