Objective Writing very large and very small numbers in standard form.


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Presentation transcript:

Objective Writing very large and very small numbers in standard form

DATA Very large numbers such as: Are not very practical to use in calculations so we can rewrite it like this:

x 10 9 Number between 1 and 10 Power of 10

Write all of the distances from the sun in standard form

Write all of the planets masses as normal numbers

The gravitational pull of each of the planets in the Solar System is different and this will affect the velocity that a spacecraft would need to be travelling to leave the planets surface. This speed, known as the ESCAPE VELOCITY, depends on both the radius of the planet, and its mass G = Gravitational Constant M = Mass of the planet (in kg) R = Radius of the planet (in m)

DATA Very small numbers such as: Are not very practical to use in calculations so we can rewrite it like this:

x Number between 1 and 10 Power of 10

Calculate the escape velocity for each of the planets

G =