Recognition of non-formal and informal learning in the context of the Austrian Qualifications Framework Barbara Neubauer Conference on Quality and Recognition of Non-formal Education Bratislava, 12 th December 2007
öibf, Barbara Neubauer 2 Content features of the Austrian situation of recognition of non-formal and informal learning (RNFIL) challenges with developing the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) 1 st step towards integrating non-formal and informal learning into the NQF relevant examples and typology concluding questions
öibf, Barbara Neubauer 3 Features of the Austrian situation Formal qualifications are demanded by the Austrian labour market. The focus is on examinations and certificates. There is no overall system of RNFIL but a number of federal laws and mainly EU-funded projects. The acceptance of validation methods, in particular of formative assessments, is questionable. scepticism of key actors
öibf, Barbara Neubauer 4 Developing the Austrian NQF basis - EQF - recognition of learning outcomes, irrespective of where these have been acquired formal, non-formal, informal settings challenge - NQF - integration of non-formal and informal learning 1 st step - study by ibw and öibf Schneeberger, Arthur/Schlögl, Peter/Neubauer, Barbara (2007): Praxis der Anerkennung von nicht-formalem und informellem Lernen in Österreich und deren Relevanz für einen künftigen NQR, Wien
öibf, Barbara Neubauer 5 Concept of the study contribute to the development of an Austrian NQF collect important approaches of RNFIL in Austria 10 quantitative relevant examples of RNFIL develop a typology of examples of RNFIL 3 types of RNFIL approaches establish a connexion between RNFIL and NQF
öibf, Barbara Neubauer 6 Type 1 certificate equivalent to certificate of the formal education system summative assessment on a legal basis problem-free integration into the Austrian NQF because of equivalence
öibf, Barbara Neubauer 7 Type 1 - examples catch up on Hauptschule (lower secondary school) qualifications (school examination for external candidates) exceptional admission to the apprenticeship-leave exam (aLAP) non-traditional access to Higher Education Berufsreifeprüfung, Externistenreifeprüfung,… relevant work-experience and additional exams access to university after certification by the WeiterBildungsAkademie (WBA),…
öibf, Barbara Neubauer 8 Type 2 certificate not equivalent to certificate of the formal education system summative assessment with mostly level structures problem of inclusion of partial/additional qualifications into the NQF problem with terminated validity of certificates
öibf, Barbara Neubauer 9 Type 2 - examples ICT certificates e.g. ECDL, Cisco certificates,… language certificates e.g. Cambridge certificates,… certification of persons according to international (ISO) and/or European (EN) rules e.g. welder qualification, quality manager qualification certification of trainers in adult education by the WBA awarding the professional title Ingenieur
öibf, Barbara Neubauer 10 Type 3 no certificate but portfolios and individual skill assessment formative assessment project-based approaches problems with integration into NQF seen (no full qualifications, no level structures, no certification)
öibf, Barbara Neubauer 11 Type 3 - examples European Language Portfolio ‘competence statement’ of the Zukunftszentrum Tyrol competence portfolio of the Ring Österreichischer Bildungswerke (Circle of Austrian Adult Education Institutes) competence portfolio of KOMPAZ / of the Volkshochschule Linz (Linz Adult Education Centre)
öibf, Barbara Neubauer 12 Concluding questions How to integrate type 3 into the NQF? Is an integration possible at all? Do methodologies need to adapt? How to integrate type 2 into the NQF? How to include partial and/or additional qualifications in the NQF? How to deal with certificates whose validity is temporary?
öibf, Barbara Neubauer 13 Contact information Barbara Neubauer öibf - Austrian Institute for Research on Vocational Training (0)