Achievements after 1 year… Dirk Vantyghem, Chair, Executive Committee Brussels, 8 June 2009
© ANIMA-Invest in Med 2009 Objectives of the programme Facilitate FDI and business in the Mediterranean By making Med a safe and attractive destination Develop sustainable partnerships between the two rims of the Mediterranean Euro-Med enterprises developing north-south and south- south synergies Develop a new economic networking cooperation model between Public and private organisations from EU and Med Stakeholders of Mediterranean Business Development Budget 12 million€ /3 years (75% financed by the EC) Beneficiary countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia June 09 2
A unique consortium: MedAlliance © ANIMA-Invest in Med 2009 June 09 3 Programme subventionné par / Programme funded by
Governance © ANIMA-Invest in Med 2009 June 09 4 Executive Committe Management Team (Marseille) In Med Board In Med Alliance/Network
Technical approach Selection of high potential niches for Mediterranean countries, with specific focus E.g. Agro-food Demand driven : Every eligible partner can submit initiatives, using various intruments proposed by i n med Studies, workshops, technical assistances, staff exchange, B2B, etc. i n med lauches around 15 initiatives per semester Central Actions: strategic/complementary actions implemented through the consortium Organic agriculture Cereals Horticulture Med products (olive oil) Catering (tourism, airlines) Cooked recipes Fisheries etc. Transversal topics Privatisation/concession Access to business from diasporas, youth, women… Franchise Branding, image Acces to finance etc. + © ANIMA-Invest in Med 2009 June 09 5
April 2009 © inMed / ANIMA Operational impact after 1 year Results 34 operations fully completed in Year 1; 120 in progress Via 4 BtoB meetings, 825 appointments organised, 30 deals 778 Med FDI or partnerships identified in 2008, >200 in 2009 Partners, network mobilisation Numerous contacts and projects with around 100 different organisations in the Euro-Med area 100 partners involved, 1/3rd as initiative leaders Well balanced CCI –IPA –BizFed participation Over 2,000 participants associated in the various events 270 trainees so far (MedAcademy), 90% satisfied Audience 117 articles quoting Invest in Med Over 2.5 million readers /auditors downloads of Invest in Med studies or documents
31 initiatives Round 1 (launched) Med-Water (Addressing Med water challenges) Med Industrial Partnerships I (North- South SME industrial companionship) Med-Sustain (Partners for sustainable development) Med-Biz (Reinforcing the services to members by Enterprise federations) Med-Franchise (Development of franchise for women) E-3m (ICT Maghreb Forum) Novel Euromed Post Services (Money transfers & hybrid post) Med-Women Entrepreneurship (Intégrales maghrébines de l’investissement) Med-Tracking (Follow-up of containers and maritime logistics ) PLATO Egypt (Mentorship programme for SME managers) Agroalimed (Bilateral co-operation on agrifood) Med-Zones (Best practices for industrial zone development) Med-Energy (Development of renewable energy) Round 2 (selection) Mag-Trace (Agrifood safety and traceability in the Maghreb) TexTechMed (Interconnections on technical textile) Med Industrial Partnerships II (Companionship and coaching) Start-up International (Mediterranean network for young entrepreneurs) BestMed (Tourism value-added niches in the Med.) MovieMed (Marketing the Med cinema industry) Etinet (Euromed tourist investment network) Building insulation in Maghreb (Energy savings) Regional investment attraction guide (Template investor guide for an Algerian region) MedFinance (Guide on public financing for companies) PaperMed (Mechanical equipment for paper industries) Med-IT (Events and partnerships in the ICT field) Furnish from Mashreq (Develop furniture concepts and exports) Young Entrepreneurs (Support to Maghreb emerging companies) Business Networks (Setting & management of industrial clusters) Batimed (Construction partnerships between Poland and Maghreb) EnviroFoodTec (Smart food processing and water waste treatment in Med countries) Tech Fruits and Vegetables (Events and partnerships for fresh agrifood sector) © ANIMA-Invest in Med 2009 June 09 7