Stocktake in Alice
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Why Stocktake? Identify missing items Check items are in correct shelf location Get an accurate picture of losses Remove non-existent items from the collection
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras How long will it take? Factors: Number of items Collection tidiness Position of barcode Scanning strategy used Perform a timed sample and extrapolate
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras How often should I Stocktake? A complete stocktake every two years Can be rolling partial stocktakes
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras When should I stocktake? When sufficient time can be allocated When enough staff are available When most resources can be recalled
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Preliminaries Review Location/Classifications and correct Stocktake, Process, Report, Summary Management, Authority Files, Locations Consider colour coding spine labels Identify under used resources Cull outdated, damaged or under used items Review overdues and recall long term overdues
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Full or Partial Stocktake? Depends on: library size People resources Time available
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Full Stocktake Advantages Best for a small library Faster processing Full accurate figures available at end All over for two years when complete Disadvantages Library is closed to circulation until complete Can take a long time for a large library
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Partial Stocktake Advantages Easier to organise and less stressful Each location can be done more quickly Corrects shelving errors on the way Circulation closed for a shorter time Disadvantages Stock reports are only current for part of the library
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Immediately prior to stocktake… Recall items on loan (optional but recommended for long term loans) Circulation, Notices, Recall Notices (Issue recall) Circulation, Reports, Recall (recalled items not returned) Process all outstanding returns Items on loan are excluded from stocktake as they are considered to be accounted for. Print initial Stocktake Summary Report Stocktake, Process, Report, 01 Summary
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Stocktake Report
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Stocktake Steps Initialise (Marks everything not yet scanned) Entry (Scan barcodes) Report (How many / what has not been scanned) Finalise (Mark unscanned items as missing) Purge (Really a separate step – remove disposed and long term missing items) History and Clear
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Stocktake Exercises 1 Prepare Data Loan item 3000 to borrower 1002 (Mark Arias) Override Overdues and other messages Change Status of copy 1529 to MISSING Hint: Management, Catloguing, Copies, find by barcode, Edit STATUS = Missing Change Location for REF 920 from blank to Reference Hint: Circulation, Global Change, Change Locations
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Initialise For a Partial Stocktake, enter the Range
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Clear Oops! I initialised the wrong area! Un-initialise
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Entry Direct Entry – Scan barcodes in Get Immediate feedback about problems Entry from a file Portable (memory) scanner Store barcodes in scanner memory Dump into Alice (best through a file)
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Direct Entry 1
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Direct Entry 2
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Entry through a file 1 Open Notepad (Start, Programs, Accessories, Notepad) Enter Barcodes Type Scan Dump barcodes from memory scanner Save text file of barcodes
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Entry through a File 2
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Using a Portable Scanner All Barcodes 1067 scanner Capture Barcodes Plug in Battery Pack Scan: Start, Enable Scan & Store, Exit Scan item barcodes Scan: Start, Disable Scan and Store, Exit
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Using a Portable Scanner 2 Dump barcodes to a file Plug scanner into computer Open Notepad File Scan: Start, Transmit, Exit Visually Check for bad scans Save Notepad file Scan: Start, Clear Data, Confirm, Exit Load into Alice using Load from File method
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras What do the Messages mean? Accepted OK Already Seen Previously scanned Invalid Barcode Barcode bad or mis-scanned xOutside Range Not in selected Location/Dewey Range Previously Missing Currently has status of Missing Uninitialised Was not initialised or catalogued since initialisation On Loan Currently on loan. Return through circulation Circulated or blank Loaned and returned since initialised Seen in Loans On loan and returned before being scanned.
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Report Summary Counts only Succinct Use for general progress reporting Detailed Includes details of each missing item Can be VERY long report Use when nearing the end to identify exactly what needs to be found
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Review Print detailed report and go chasing these books When found, scan them Anything shown on this report will be marked as MISSING when you finalise.
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Finalise 1 Caution: Only finalise when all scanning of a range is complete Ensure the Finalise Range matches the entry range. There is no undo Not Scanned => M (missing) Disposed and scanned => R (recovered) Missing and scanned => F (found)
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Finalise 2 Print a Detailed Stocktake report before Finalising NO report is produced by Finalise Enter the range you want to finalise
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras History A list of all Stocktake actions that change data Initialise Finalise Clear
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Purge This is really a completely separate step from stocktake Physically removes copies and catalog records if Missing prior to cutoff date Marked as Disposed Provides an audit trail report Should be the ONLY way copy and catalogue records are removed
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Purge (2)
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Purge 3
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Stocktake Report
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Current Stock Report
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Stocktake Exercises 2 Summary Report Stocktake, Process, Report, All Initialise Range: REF 000 to REF ZZZ Enter - Use Direct entry or File Entry for these barcodes 3000, 1529, 1530, 1531, 1532, 1533, 3152, D00005, D00007
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Stocktake Exercises 3 Report – Summary Report Stocktake, Process, Report, All Report – Detailed report Stocktake, Process, Report, Range, location=REF Finalise Stocktake, Process, Finalise, Range, Location=REF Classification ZZZ
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Stocktake Exercises 3 Purge Stocktake reports
Alice StocktakeMartin Hood – OASIS Extras Questions and Discoveries Does a FOUND item get its STATUS automatically changed back to CATALOGUED? At circulation? At next Stocktake? Does stocktake CLEAR change the stocktake status of items that have already been scanned?