Theatres in Daghestan Omarova M.G. School 12
Daghestanis are now creating for themselves new forms of national art – opera, ballet, symphonic music. The important contribution to the development of modern national art in Daghestan has been made by the composers:G.Gasanov, M.Kazhlaev, S.Agababov, Sh.Chalaev, N.Dagirov, S.Kerimov. Some of their works are well known outside the republic. The 1 st Daghestan ballet Mountain Girl by M.Kazhlaev was performed at the Kirov (now the Mariinsky Theatre ) in Leningrad. Three representations of Daghestan peoples help to create it: composer M.Kazhlaev, a Lak; conductor Gemal dalgat, a Dargin; and the poet R.Gamzatov, an Avar. The choreographer was Russian – Oleg Vinogradov. Omarova M.G. School 12
Another Daghestan composer, Nabi Daghirov, created his first ballet entitled Partu Patima, which was staged by the Lezginka dance company in Makhachkala. Omarova M.G. School 12
The 1 st Daghestan national opera Khochbar, written by composer G.Gasanov about 60 years ago, was for the 1 st time staged in Makhachkala in Another Daghestan poera is Highlanders by Sh.Chalaev was staged in several cities of the country. The opera by Sh.Chalaev King Lear has been received warmly by the professional people in our country and abroad. Its first staging took place at the close of the World Exhibition in Portugal. The latest opera of Sh.Chalaev is Hadji-Murat. Omarova M.G. School 12
In conclusion we must say that today there are 7 professional theatres in the republic which stage plays by well- known local writers and classics of world literature. The oldest theatre in Daghestan is the Russian Gorky Drama theatre which was founded in The Russian Theater Omarova M.G. School 12
Other theatres: The Kumik Theatre of Musical Comedy and Drama The Avar Theatre of Musical Comedy and Drama The Dargin Drama Theatre The Lak Drama Theatre The Lezgin Drama Theatre The Tat Folk Theatre Omarova M.G. School 12
Avar National Theater Russian National Theater Omarova M.G. School 12