MHOEA Fall Conference October 23, 2014 Nikki Rogers Michigan Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education
Agenda Michigan Merit Credit Review and Revision Advisory Committee Clinicals Technical Assistance on CIP Self-Review
Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) Law 380.1278(b) (7) The board or board of directors may provide this curriculum by providing the credits specified in this section and section 1278a, by using alternative instructional delivery methods such as … career and technical education.
State Approved (Department) Program A coherent sequence of courses so that students gain academic, technical, and work behavior skills Instruction that includes classroom, laboratory, work based learning, and leadership opportunities Instruction that is supervised, directed, or coordinated by an appropriately certificated career and technical education teacher
State Approved (Department) Program Instruction that is supervised, directed, or coordinated by an appropriately certificated career and technical education teacher Consists of standards approved by the state board (R395.243, Rule 13) Must receive approval from MDE/OCTE through an application process (R 395.244, Rule 14)
“Successful Completion” means Complete coursework covering all state program standards Take any required technical assessment For state and federal funding purposes, a new CTE instructional program must submit an application to operate which must be approved by the CTE office
The number of courses covering the standards in a CTE program is determined by the district and submitted in its application. The district may design one or two year programs Not all high school students in CTE instructional programs can complete the requirements for certificates Some industry certificates/licensures can only be received once a student turns 18 years old
MMC - Mathematics Sec 1278a (1)(a)(i) …A pupil may partially or fully fulfill the algebra II requirement by completing a department- approved formal career and technical education program or curriculum, that has appropriate embedded mathematics content, such as a program or curriculum in electronics, machining, construction, welding, engineering, computer science, or renewable energy, and in that program or curriculum successfully completing the same content as the algebra II benchmarks assessed on the department-prescribed state high school assessment, as determined by the department.
MMC – Science and World Languages 380.1278b (1)(b) …A student may fulfill the requirement for the third science credit by completing a department- approved formal career and technical education program or curriculum…
MMC – Science and World Languages Sec. 1278a (2)(2)… For pupils who graduate from high school in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, or 2020 only, a pupil may partially or fully fulfill 1 credit of this requirement by completing a department-approved formal career and technical education program or curriculum…
Which MMC Credit Requirements May Be Replaced With a CTE Program? The following credits may be replaced only with a department-approved formal Career and Technical Education program as defined in administrative code for students without a personal curriculum: ● One credit of a world language; and/or ● One science credit
More information is available on the Personal Curriculum webpage Completion of a department approved formal Career and Technical Education program may be used to replace one or both of these credits. Through a personal curriculum, students have options for replacing one MMC credit in social studies, physical education/health, and/or visual, performing and applied arts with a department-approved formal Career and Technical Education. FAQ_August_2014_467323_7.pdf More information is available on the Personal Curriculum webpage
Review and Revision Met with business, industry, and postsecondary partners National standard search Ongoing review
CTE Program Advisory Committees Program specific local advisory committees are an essential component of a state approved CTE program The committee of industry experts guide program development and improvement
Program Advisory Committee Role Provide input on: Program/course planning Curriculum development Curriculum implementation Program operation Program promotion Evaluation of the program/student performance Maintenance of the program that results in continuous program improvement
Program Advisory Committee Meeting Industry Standards Committee reviews and assures: Appropriate program facilities, equipment, and materials Resources are relevant to the program curriculum Program instruction reflects current industry standards and technology
Program Advisory Committee Purpose Provide input on facilities and equipment needs Advise on appropriate curriculum Provide opportunities for work-based learning Facilitate staff development (workplace connections) Provide opportunities for job shadowing, industry-related field trips, and guest speakers Participate in program review and revision
Program Advisory Committee Purpose Promote certificates, licensure, further training Resource for program related CTSO Assist with public relations – development of program marketing plan Additional optional activities: Establish scholarships Broker community partnerships Promote program with local leaders, legislators
Program Advisory Evidence Program equipment inventory Program technology inventory Program instructional materials inventory
Facilities Advisory Committee
Instructional Materials Advisory Committee
Program Technology Inventory Advisory Committee
Work-Based Learning/Clinicals Segment 12: Participate in work-based opportunities such as job-shadowing, mentorships, work experiences, etc.
Nice Resource
CIP Self Review
MCCTE-Navigator Activation Process Operating Building Administrator CEPD Administrator Activated by OCTE – MCCTE Administration Operating Building Administrator Activated by CEPD Administrator CTE Teacher of State Approved Program Activated by Operating Building Administrator
Delivering a Program
Segments are a “grouping” of like standards Each CIP has 12 segments Standards are identified for each segment, but OCTE is leaving the order for which the segments should be taught up to the local district
Concentrator Concentrators are identified after they complete at least seven segments with a grade of 2.0 or better May complete the assessment
Completer Completers have completed all 12 segments with a 2.0 or better and taken the technical skill assessment, if applicable
Segment Q Student must be a Completer before reporting in “Segment Q” (“Q” is not required for a student to be a “completer”) Reporting is for Advanced/Specialized Content State Aid Section 61a1 funding (Added Cost) Course section should include only Segment Q, no other
Reporting Your Program C10 Instructional Design Model A series of courses One Instructional Design Form Multiple teachers/delivery methods must be reported by the PSN
Instructional Design Models Resources CTEIS Delivery Model 2011 Instructional Design Forms
Required Information
CTEIS Delivery Model One year - semester, trimester, or quarter Two year - semester, trimester, or quarter Multi year - semester or trimester
One Year by Semester
One Year by Trimester
Two Year by Semester
Multi Year
Segment Q Documentation Instructional Design Form Syllabi documentation Detailed training plans Timeframe matches school schedule
Contact Information Nikki Rogers, Consultant Health Science 26.0100 Biotechnology Medical Science 51.0000 Therapeutic Services 51.0707 Health Informatics 51.1000 Diagnostic Services (517) 373-8904