1 Applied Research in the Classroom …an example David Thibodeau Algonquin College CGT-2008
2 Intent of Student Projects Provide a skill set that is valued by employers Project mimics the workplace How to improve upon this model? How about, actual product development with actual companies?
3 What is different about this model? All students participate Emphasis upon essential employability skills Students (rather than professor) own the project Students earn grades not money
4 … in a nutshell … A typical team consists of three+ students and a company representative The students assume the role of junior designers while the company supervisor becomes the senior designer
5 Quiz 1 How does one form successful groups?
6 Who are the stakeholders? Students Industrial partner Professor / program / College Funding organization
7 Role of the STUDENT Take responsibility for the success of the project Draw upon appropriate resources, in order to make informed decisions. The responsibility of any choices however lies with the student.
8 Role of the INDUSTRIAL PARTNER Define project with assistance of faculty supervisor Contribute cash and in-kind support Provide technical supervision, support and guidance for duration of project Inform students of the broader issues such as the factors supporting a business case analysis
9 Role of the PROFESSOR Create tentative budget & seek funding Consult with students weekly Set clear expectations for students Grade student Appoint student project team leaders Set clear expectations for industrial partner
10 Role of FUNDING ORGANIZATION Minimize Employers perceived risk Participation of funding organization is evidence that a third party supports the process Financial contribution of funding organization can tip the balance for many industrial partners
11 What is in it for the company? Access to a large pool of junior designers Fruition of back burner product ideas Positive Business Case Use of their own development process Test drive potential new employees
12 Quiz 2 What if students dont meet expectations? What if industrial partner doesnt meet expectations?