Characteristics of Leap Thinkers PEAK Parent Reception ~ September 23, 2014
Leap Thinkers … Are curious Ask BIG questions Have wild imaginations Can store information in their minds Know things without studying Use lots of words when talking Love learning, but not necessarily school stuff Can think “out of the box” or fill the box up quickly Can skip steps and still get the right answer Love to build and invent things Can remember things in detail Use unusual words Can read difficult books Might worry a lot or cry easily; have big emotions
Have you ever thought this about your PEAKster? Do you ever slow down? You worry about everything! Can’t you just stick with one thing? You’re so sensitive and dramatic! You’re so demanding! You’re so driven! Can’t you ever be satisfied?
Dabrowski’s Theory of Overexcitabilities Polish psychologist, Kasimierz Dabrowski Developed a theory that has helped us understand the emotional make-up of the gifted Passion and intensity cause the gifted to react, see, and feel things differently and more strongly….called overexcitabilities or OE’s Can be thought of as an abundance of physical, sensual, creative, intellectual, and/or emotional energy
OE #1 Psychomotor (Physical) Surplus of physical energy and movement Instead of walking they jump, hop, spin, and twirl Fast talking/constant talking May interrupt or have difficult time waiting turn to talk Sleeplessness due to a restless mind May have nervous habits Might be impulsive or act out
OE #1…Physical What can parents do? Be sure there is time to burn off physical energy and/or chatter especially after school Have them practice listening and remind them that being a friend involves listening too Work on not interrupting
OE #2 Sensual (Senses) Tactile sensitivity ~ Can be very picky about clothing … socks, labels/tags, waist bands, etc. May have many physical complaints … stomach aches, limping, etc. Sensitive to smells, tastes, or textures of foods May have a harsh reaction to loud sounds Deep appreciation for beauty in writing, music, art or nature
OE #2 …Senses What can parents do? Limit the stimuli Create a soothing and calming environment Know that they are not being “manipulative” about clothing or food Make sure there is time to enjoy the senses
OE #3 Imaginational (Creative) May day dream Remember dreams vividly and have strong reactions to them May believe in magic and fantasy for much longer than their peers (Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, elves, dragons, and unicorns) May have trouble distinguishing imagination from reality May have a vivid fantasy life which includes imaginary friends
OE #3 …Creative What can parents do? Know this isn’t “lying” ~ Confusion of reality and fiction because memories and new ideas become blended in their minds. Help them place a “stop sign” in their mind before they embellish.
OE #4 Intellectual (Academic) Love brain teasers, puzzles, and thinking games Thrive on challenge and learning/love to think Enjoy complex reasoning and problem solving Take pleasure in discovering new information; avid reader Ask probing (big) questions or many questions Have adult concerns Might be impatient with others
OE #4 …Academic What can parents do? Teach them to find the answers themselves Help them act on their concerns Teach tact in questioning and patience with others
OE #5 Emotional Happier when happy, sadder when sad, angrier when angry, etc. Feel extremes of complex emotions May feel inadequate or inferior May have difficulty adjusting to change May feel deep connections with some people or animals May have trouble finding friends who measure up
OE #5 …Emotional What can parents do? Accept the intense feelings. Know that it’s not melodrama. It is honest emotion. Teach them to watch for “early warning” symptoms and teach how to deal with them.
Practical Tips/Ideas Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted By Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
Bibliography Images from: Lind, Sharon; “Overexcitablity and the Gifted”; SENG newsletter,2001 Tolan, Stephanie; February 1999 Webb, James T. and others; A Parent’s Guide to Gifted Children; Great Potential Press, Arizona, 2007